Is this normal? Started by: Danielle

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    I am 5 days post op and I seem to be experiencing slight pain and achiness to right breast compared to the left which feels fine. There both appear the same size and shape, have any of you girls experienced the same sort of thing? xx


    Hi Danielle, I think it’s pretty common to have a problem boob 🙂 do you have strapping on? I’m day 10 of my recovery and in my earlier days my left gave me more aches and pains then the right.
    It can also make a difference if you have more bruising on one side then the other which you can’t always see if you have strapping on.
    I wouldn’t worry but if the ache turns into more of a sharp pain then call your nurse and go from there xx x


    No I didn’t have strapping ive just worn my macom bra 24/7! Both boobs feel fine now it just comes from time to time, I cant see any bruising as of yet! I do however smoke so I think that’s why im a little more worried and concerned about it! Thank you for advice I do feel reassured, I will keep an eye on it. xx

    JJ 1

    100% normal I had this x


    I’m 11 days post op, last week my right ached and sharp pains, this week it’s my left that’s aching and sharp pains, I was numb in both breasts after surgery, now I having feeling in my right and slight feeling in my left, I think it’s to do with nerves coming back to life maybe?? Xx


    Yes thanks girls, im now 15 days post op and im feeling great. No aching or pain in either breasts. So far so good! Xx

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