Is this normal? Started by: Katrina

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  • Katrina 5

    Hi girls has my b/a sunday and felt great with no pain until today is there anything to worry about? I thought idstart feeling great but starting to feel worse! Also this strapping is driving me mad lol! Having a moaning moment thanks girls!!xxx


    Hey sweetie since your op was Sunday there wasn’t much pain over last few days as all the meds and pain relief you had pumped in to your body is wearing off this normal the pain will kick in for about one week then it will start to get better for u xx

    Katrina 5

    Hey lovley! It’s weird Iv been feeling Soo good now I’m just an achey pain lol! Strapping is driving me mad tempted to rip it off lolroll on next Tuesday! Would You say the pain lasts a good week?xx


    Yeah but the strapping will be the main cause of it I dont y Mya wrap you up n that as they have chest bands instead x

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