It all starts bad… Started by: Bernie

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  • Bernie 100

    I always check up on the forum from time to time, after having my surgery in March it’s still great to see others progress, I’ve noticed a lot of people disheartened by their boobs in the first days or weeks, and I just wanted to see we all have felt that way! Even if it’s just sitting there crying to yourself because you are so out of it you don’t know which boob is the left or right! Or if they look wonky or do your nipples suit the size of your new boob! just mad thoughts that get to us!

    What I will say is, after having those episodes myself, I can genuinely say it does get better! The wonky hard look fades and the implants enhance a natural beauty! So all in all please do not worry about your boobs in the first stages they look nothing like how they finish! good luck to everyone recovering and I hope through all the stages of this surgery you truly love yourself and body by the end, I fee half way there on such a long journey xxxx

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    Megan 6

    What size implants did you have? Xx

    Bernie 100

    I had 275cc under the muscle xxx


    That’s so nice to read, having my op in November and already so much is going through my head so can only imagine what I’ll be thinking once it’s done. Just takes time and patience Xx

    Bernie 100

    Aw yeah there is a lot to think about and we all worry, just try to enjoy it as much as you can because it will be so worth it! Xxx

    Cole 24

    @bernie96 was you ready after a week to go back to work ?

    Hayley 8

    I went back to work after 1 week (office job) and it was fine. I was surprised how little pain I experienced through the whole thing!
    Driving felt a little bit strange but I only had to go 15 mins down the road.

    Bernie 100

    Yeah I’d say so because I got round appointments and stuff on my own after a few days but it definitely depends on how well you take pain I’d say xxx

    Alex 4

    Glad to read this! My surgery is on 6th Nov and so many people have said oh you’ll be in so much pain etc etc and various negative comments. I’m doing this by

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Alex 4.
    Alex 4

    When’s your surgery in Nov? Xx I’m on 6th with DR Sleiter

    Toni 5

    Thankyou Bernie. That was really comforting to read. My surgery is 16th Nov and Im trying to keep it from so many people and have two active kids to look after single handily. I know I can do this ????. All I keep thinking is, I had a C section and was up about and getting on with life after a day with a 14 mth old toddler..that was hard. How hard can this be? ????

    Bernie 100

    Aw I’m glad it really is nothing to worry about! you’ll honestly be so surprised how well you feel after a few days just take the first few as easy as you can xxx

    Sam 3

    Yes agree with all this. I’m on day 4 post op and have been feeling so spaced out I’m finally starting to feel a bit more like myself. My boobs are definitely not looking how they will in a few weeks and I just have to be patient, but I’m sure i’ll be happy with the end result. Yours look amazing Bernie.

    Emma 28

    Alex I’m seeing dr sleiter 18th November I’m so excited what CC you having xx

    Bernie 100

    Aw hope recovery goes well and honestly you will see them chnage so much! Thank you xxx

    Alex 4

    Hi Emma,
    I was originally going for 400cc HP over muscle but I’ve just been back to see Dr Sleiter again and I’m going for 450cc instead!! I’m still booked for 6th Nov excited but scared lol

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