Itching like crazy Started by: Janet

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  • Janet

    3 days post op and desperate to itch them off. No pain, only took 1 painkiller today hoping it would stop the itching, and they’re getting bigger. Is this normal!

    faith23 2

    Hey hun did you have unders? Mine have got bigger had to go get a 34G sports bra!!! Im itching like mad too, driving me crazy xxx


    Hi Faith, how long after surgery did yours get bigger ? I’m 3 wks PO but mine don’t look big at all and my friend who had hers done said hers got a lot smaller than she wanted them after the swelling went down. What size did I have and were they under or over. Mine still itch like mad but the nurse said its just the nerves repairing . I had Asymmetrical breast so I had 340 cc and 375cc the bigger 1 still hasn’t dropped but the other 1 has x

    faith23 2

    Mine got bigger the second day, they seem to be still getting a little bit bigger and they are dropping alot more now, i have 410 & 460 unders one has dropped more than the other they just itching like mad, want my dressings off now xx

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