Itching like crazy .. HELP .. Is it due to strapping Started by: Tay

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  • Tay 1

    Hey guys I’m 4 days po .. The top of my boobs are itching like crazy I even feel like ripping of the strapping !! I can’t focus on anything because of this itching . Please help if any1 has any suggestions or advice .. Thanks girls xx

    Jessica 15

    I feel your pain, I was sooo itchy, it only lasts a couple of days so don’t worry but unfortunately you just have to soldier through xx

    Tay 1

    Rrr thank u Jessica .. I no its awful isn’t it just can’t wait for this strapping to come of. Thank for your help tho babes xx


    @tayt2015 Hi Hun, I’m exactly the same at the moment (currently POD5) and the itching is so unbearabl, it even wakes me up at night! 🙁 I found that the itchiness was mainly near my armpits where the strapping was irritating my skin so I’ve cut it slightly…just gotta hang in there a couple more days till the strapping comes off xxx

    Tay 1

    @xxjessiikaaxx thanks for the advice hunny ! I might try trimming it down abit . I know I can’t wait to get this awful thing of . Well good luck with your sleep tonight lol just think In a few weeks we have fantastic new boobies and all be worth it 🙂 xxxx

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