Its my turn!!!!! Started by: Jayne

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  • Jayne 10

    Aghhh im so excited, nervous and scared all in one. Waited years for this now im sat in the waiting room waiting to go down. Having 300cc hp from 32 a/b at london (not with mya). Cant wait to get it done noe and have my new boobies but soooooo scared about goibg to sleep x

    Stacey 498

    Good luck Hun happy new boobie day xxx


    Good luck 😀

    Kloe 2

    Good luck – I had mine done yesterday and I’m feeling really good at the minute! xx

    Mitch 39

    Good luck hun xx

    Yvette 85

    Good luck 🙂 are you with transform? Xx

    Ellie 65

    Good luck xx

    Jayne 10

    Thanks ladies im home now. Wrnt down to havechecks done at 8, was in theatre at 8:45 and woke up in recovery at 10:30. I had a hard time coming round as i alwayd do and was very very sleepy and felt really sick..i ended up having 2lots of antsickness meds and some oral morphine and then discharged after seeing my surgeon at 2pm. The drive home wasnt fun as i still felt a little sick but im tucked up inbed now with my mountain of pillows. Atm im feeling ok, just thw skin in my cleavage is stinging, iv been given a weeks worth of antibiotics, some tablets to reduce swelling and paracetmol, oh and those lovely stockings! I was so unprepared for the amount of swelling though! I expected some but 6lb since this morning, iv just had to loosen my macom to the looser setting.

    No yvette i wasnt with transform, i was direct with my surgeon not a company. He is so lovely, seriously made me feel so at ease.

    I had 300cc hp mentor smooth partials

    Claire 92

    I had surgery this morning too, you got me intrigued so I’ve just got on the scales I’m 4lb heavier! Hopefully just temporary tho!
    Glad everything went well xx

    Laura 143

    Haha i did exactly the same when i got home got on the scales id put on 7lb!! Half a stone in a day i was mortified lol im 10dpo an only 2lb as come off so still 5lb over, i looked up online how much my implants weigh an my 400cc’s together weigh around 2.5lb. Hope you have a good recovery xx

    Jayne 10

    1dsy po and no real pain just lots of swelling. I have been keeping ontop of swelling meds and paracetmol though along with cool packs so maybe thatd preventing it starting. The bit of skin in my clevage really stings though so csnt wait to get my bra off when tge kids are at school (its a secrert) and put a cool pack on it. I didnt sleep to well even with 5 pillows and a v pillow, just couldnt get comfy. Hope it will be better tonight x

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