It's tomorrow! N I am having a meltdown :( Started by: M.Sexton

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    So I have my op tomorrow, either 560s or 615s with Mr Singh at Highgate and I am freaking the hell out! Like actually terrified, had nightmares all last night and expecting zero sleep tonight :(the last time I got my boobies done I was buzzing, I don’t know if this is the wrong decision!

    Rinx ♥ 4

    It’ll be the best thing youv ever done! Think positive I was like this up until my op I’m sure youl be fine tomorrow ! Can’t believe it’s come round real quick x


    Thanks babe, just panicking so much! Like I cannot picture how they will look on me! Xx


    Aww Hun you will be fine I’m sure and this time tomorrow your gonna be thinking wtf why was I stressing so much!! You are gonna have a huge smile 🙂 good luck Hun xx

    Rinx ♥ 4

    They’ll look wicked seriously! Can’t wait to have a perv at them haha xxx


    Ahhhh you’ll be fine chick. Xxx


    Ok I’m going to spend the night going through lads mags and I’ll make sure I get some pics up after! Thanks so much ladies xx

    meesh 1

    Good luck huni. You’ll love it. This time tomorrow will all be done. Xxxx

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