Joined the boobie club yesterday thanks to Mr Traynor x Started by: scoobydoo

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    Am still not in any pain just feels really tight cant believe it all that worrying for nothing. So happy with the size went from 34a/b an had 365 soft touch naterelle.
    This forum really helped me over the past months leading to the operation along with all you helpful girlies. If Ican do the same I am happy to help with any questions. Will try to upload some pics soon. Lots of love x


    Hi Hun congrats!! How are you feeling today? I’m not in much pain either. Xxx


    Hi Hun was thinking about you yesterday but forgot my i pad and been really busy not been on here much on the lead up to the op. Did you go over the muscle???? I feel fine really cant believe it thought it would be a lot worse. What size did u end up getting? The nurses were so nice wasnt they??? i went down at 11 0 clock was 2nd in the queue. They were 8 in yesterday so didnt see Mr Traynor after cos he was still in surgery so just went back hotel well went for tea at nandos first lol . are you happy with your boobies so far? x


    how much did it cost you? xx


    It was around £4300 as i upgraded to natrelle ones and was daycase x


    I went over yes went for 415cc natrelle, what size did you get again? I went at 8.30am but for some reason didn’t go in til 1pm! I’m happy so far are you? Everyone was lovely there yeh! Jealous you went to nandos haha! How’ve you been today? Xxx


    Had my uplift with implants yesterday at Preston too, pains starting to kick in now but I’ve been a bit naughty not resting as much as I should, it’s difficult with 2 kids! Am really happy with how good they look though 🙂 happy healing girlies!


    luc85 – went for 365cc theywerereally busy andthe nurse said he had some too do that was left over from the day before. the lady before me had a tummy tuck so that took him 2 hours. yeh really just tried to upload few pics from yesterday but not had much luck yet 🙁 are u happy so far too? yeh fine although no pain starting to feel like its getting tighter more bit stiff. how are u feeling? xx


    Sunash – no way i didnt see anybody when i had a wonder around lol i noi have two children as well and its bit difficult. Starting to ache more now but no pain though. are u happy with your results ?? x


    Me too sunash because I’ve not had much pain I’ve been cleaning and stuff and it’s aching a bit now! Scoobydoo they where so short staffed hated waiting around worrying for 4.5 hours not allowed anything to eat or drink! But I’m just glad it’s over and done. I can’t upload any pics it’s not working! Can’t wait to see all your pics and show you mine! Can’t wait for them to get soft! Xxx


    Lucy I only went to theatre at 4pm after rushing to get there at 9.30! My hubby had to leave to pick the kids up so I was on my own when I woke up. He brought the kids down later for half an hour though. I’m sore tonight, thinking of taking some ibuprofen for the swelling cos all they give me is co codamol and antibiotics. Gonna ring nurse tomorrow to see if it ok x


    i cant upload either keeps giving me an error 🙁 i know cant wait to see yours too lol. i know and try on some lovely bras argghhh soooo exciting – sunash thats what tablets i got too but only been taking 1 co-odamol as they make me sleepy. or no way thats a shame u was on your own ;-( xxx


    I’m taking 2 at a time! I have had my nipples moved and a load of skin sliced off so I’m expecting pain but I thought I’d get an anti inflamitary too. Oh well, sleepless night propped up on the couch tonight!


    Aww I would have come see you if I’d have known I was there til 6.30pm. I’ve been taking 2 co codomol when the pain is quite bad gonna take a few before bed to knock me out. Sleeping sat up is annoying isn’t it! Have you all got post op check on Wednesday? Xxx


    sunash – no wonder you are taking two ouch sounds little painful. did u both get a v pillow?? they do help prop u up x


    Yes got v pillow it’s a godsend! Will get the laptop out tomorrow and try get pics on. Yours look fab sunash xxx

    Becky 1

    Hello hay I’ve found some traynor girls I’ve just had mine done by him what a top man. It’s been 2 days today still sore so anyone who would like to talk I would love to I will upload pics soon as I find my way around the forum. I have just this moment signed up. 🙂


    Yeah 9.30 on weds, gonna look such a scruff not allowed a shower or anything lol!


    I was on wed too, I just had a shallow bath sunash then couldn’t pull myself out! Haha! How you feeling today? My hairs a mess x x


    Oh getting stuck in the bath isn’t good lol! I’m just trying to stay still today, it’s my birthday today so I’m relaxing!! My brothers on his way down, been on my own today so he will cheer me up.


    Happy birthday Hun!! What a good present boobies! I’ve been on my own too my friends coming at 2. Gonna take it easy after the bath incident! Have a good day xx

    Becky 1

    @sunash sorry I’m bit late happy birthday & happy boobies 🙂

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