Just a little idea for anyone wanting to loose weight pre op or post op weight.. Started by: Natalie

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  • Natalie

    I myself weighed a stone heavier than when I had my BA in October 3 days ago and decided it was time to sort it out… the only down side to my boobs being bigger is that they now look in proportion to my ever growing bum and thighs!
    I started a little diet Friday 15th weighed 10 stone exactly. I intend to re-weigh myself tomorrow.

    As this forum is mainly girls, and weight always seems to be a topic I was wondering if anyone else wanted to join me with this diet… I always feel like I am more likely to succeed if I have to put my weight or calorie intake down where other people will see. I think the summer has also contributed to my weight gain, too many day time drinks, lunches and cocktails!

    I’m aiming to be back to my comfortable weight 9st 5lbs (was at this weight for about 5 months after BA) within the next month.

    If anyone else wants to join me feel free and comment on here or message me, sticking to your diet of choice obviously. Thinking the weigh in day shall be a Tuesday as Mondays aren’t always the best being straight after the weekends! Would just be to state your current weight, how much your looking to loose maybe and even your diet if you are following a specific one to help other girls out.

    Lets pray the scales are nicer to me tomorrow!

    bella212 1

    aww bless and goodluck i may join u alil later as im having my op 2mrw! i wanted to ask is it the weight of implants too that are added to the body so when you weigh yourself it cant be all your natural weight can it as you have had implants that add to the weight dont they?xx


    Ahh good luck I actually lost weight during my recovery I have no idea how lol I think the pain killers made me so sleepy I was only eating 1 or 2 meals a day!
    My implants weighed 1lb each exactly…. I was 9stone about 5 days into recovery, once I was back to eating normal again I went to like 9st 5lbs and stayed at that weight but I wasn’t eating much in the 2 weeks prior to my op as I went through a break up, so I was bound to put some weight on once I was happy again haha xx

    bella212 1

    awww thats fab same ere break up so new boobs new house then a new man hopefully hahaha xx


    Haha nothing a new set of boobs doesn’t help 😉 xx

    Vickie 5

    I’ll be joining once I’m over my recovery, only had op yesterday. Earlier this yr I started a diet to shift the last of my baby weight before me hols. I ran 2-3 times a week about 4k and did a slim fast diet. I found knowing that I cud only have shakes n one meal meant that I didn’t cheat as if I’m left to make up my own diet it often includes biscuits and chocolate! I lost 10lb in 6 weeks x


    Well done! I hate those shakes so much lol. I just stic.k to low cal diet, lost me 4.5 stone abut 4 years ago… hence the reason for getting new boobies 😉
    Weighed 9st 11lbs today so 3lbs down already thank god. 10st was my panic weight as ive not been that much in about 2 years!
    Hope recovery goes well for you


    I will join you. I’m 13 days po tomorrow and already feel I’ve put on weight and wanting to loose it.mi will weigh my self in the morning to see what my starting weight is. I would like to get to 9st or under . Xx


    I will join 🙂 weighed myself yesterday an nearly dropped dead 11st !! I wanna be 9.10ish so long way to go but I’m determined 17days po. Been thinkin of doin the bootea Detox plan xx


    Ahh I know how you feel girls!

    I’ll do my weight tonorrow and record it on hre, had an ok day but will be doing things propery tomorrow!

    I have hd a freind do the bootea plan with no major results,

    Good luck girls!


    i will join u 🙂 xx


    Brilliant jade 🙂

    Everyone happy to do theyre startiing weight toorrow? and weigh in day every tueday from then!



    Morning Ladies! What a great Idea Natalie! I’m in for sure! We’ve got a holiday booked in December, so would love to join you girls! Great idea having a weigh in each week! So guessing as it’s Tuesday I will add my weight…………

    11 STONE DEAD!!

    I’ve managed to out on 6lbs since Friday ( BA was on Friday had 550cc – not that I’m using my new boobies as an excuse ; ) ) I don’t think the pizza or Chinese I’ve have this week helped ) !!!!!!!!!!!! : ( haha! Let the diet begin!!!!! x x x


    I weighed this morning 9st 6, I’m cutting down my calories and drinking plenty water hoping that will work for me. Xx


    Ahh Im glad theres a few of us I think it will help lol. Late today I’ll go through the posts and do everyones starting weight in one post. I was 9st 12lbs this morning so not as horrific as the 10stone that appeared last week1!

    Stciking to low cal as that always works for me and cutting down on alcohol!! Need to stop those mid week wines at the pub!

    Good luck girls


    Ohh can I join as well please. I’m 8stone12 and was 8 stone before I had my son! Need to loose my baby belly and finding it really hard! Also anyone got any exercise plans to get rid of it??
    Thanks xx


    Ok girls, so just a note of all starting weights (ive just curbed midnight hunger by eating half a lettuce… cant say it worked for long!!)

    Myself: 9st 12lbs – GOAL 9st 5lbs
    Nicola: 9st 6lbs – GOAL under 9st
    Lisa: 11st
    Jadet25: 11st – GOAL 9st 10lbs
    Sam: 8st 12lb

    I think Tuesday is the best weigh in day to continue at… although i know i wont be able to reist weighing before then. Anyone recently done a diet they feel worked well or has any useful tips they want to post? I know I am struggling to cut down the size of my meals. I can eat so bloody much!

    Good luck girls!



    I am a carb junky! I did the Atkins diet a few years ago and lost 2 and a half stone! I went from 11st to 9st 7lbs in six months, then got pregnant with our third child! She is now 2 yrs old and after my BA have gone back to 11stone! I know that cutting out carbs really helped me, but not sure how healthy Atkins really is long term! I think I will stick to the “Owl phase” of Atkins, which is a slower way of loosing the weight, but you can still have a certain amount of carbs a day and fruit! Would be good to hear what everyone else is doing!! Good luck girls xxx ps my goal weight is 10st! Xxxx


    Wow I love the idea of atkins but i really dont think I can cut out carbs! I am a caffeine junkie which is so bad but if theyre diet drinks I fiind they can curb my hunger… not healthy at all tho!

    Laura 13

    Hi girls.

    Before my op I lost 1.5 stone. Now after the op I have put weight on. Havnt been on scales coz darnt. But rekon I have put on at least half a stone. I realise my boobs will make me weigh more but not half a stone more.

    Gonna get on scales tomorrow and see the dreaded numbers.


    Good luck Laura, weighing is so rubbish sometimes because you can feel pretty good about yourself until you get on the scales. For me my clothes fit fine still but my boobs don’t loos as big anymore because I am bigger all over… its about 8lbs ive put on since recovery tbh but feel s a lot more looking and old pictures!

    Good luck!

    Laura 13

    Got weighted. 9 stone 2!!! Im so upset. I want to be 8 stone 5. So 11lbs to loose.

    Laura 13

    Yesterday went well. Had home made shepherds pie and a low fat yogurt. Today I have had 2 slices of toast up to now and havn’t actually felt hungry.


    my weeks not been amazing but I am now weighting 9st 10lbs so 2lbs down!
    Has anybody weighed themselves today and if so how much have you lost?

    Laura 13

    Well I started on saturdau at 9 stone 2 and weighed myself today and I am 9 stone 1.25lbs. So lost 0.75lbs in last 3 days so pleased with that.

    Jada 3

    I’ll join you Hun! I want to get to 9st before I do my surgeries! I’m at 5ft2 and 10st 13lbs I need all the support I can get lol xx


    How are you guys getting on with this? I’m 12 days PO and feel huge!! Can’t even bear to weigh myself. Whats everyone doing to drop the weight? Particularly those who haven’t been cleared for the gym.


    I could really do this also, after my BA in April I need to shift these extra handles !!! Anyone else want to do it together ?

    tara beach 2

    Have you ladies heard of body by vi it’s fab google it or look on utube the shakes are amazing and you can bake muffins and do pancakes with the mix and brownies etc and u actually loose weight eating this it’s called body by vi challenge plus u can hold a party in your home and if you get three people to sign up your kit is free every month it’s called three for free fab results you can also enter competitions and go to America etc you can also earn money within this company and earn yourself a BMW my friend have achieved this she lost two stone in 90 days and she is now. Body by vi model And promoter xx


    I’ll join in :0) I’ve got op on 7th and go Mexico 6 week’s after so need to lose I’m cutting down on carbs like I’ll have 2 small potatoes a day with loads of veg and chicken for dinner or if I have rice I’ll have a tiny bit with extra veg n meat and snake loads threw out the day on fruit fat free yogats ham gurkins crab sticks ect things like that it’s just cuttin. Fats out and eating less carbs hope this helps x

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