Just been measured and I'M A 32F/G ?? Started by: Jess

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  • Jess 146

    I’m 5 weeks post op and couldn’t help but pop into Ann Summers on my way past and get measured. First she tried me in a 34E and said the back was too big so got me in a 32F and then said that the cup was slightly too small and I’m in between an F and a G ??????? I’m absolutely over the moon. I was a 34A/B before and I was worried I wouldn’t reach the DD I was desperate for and I’m just sooooooo happy. This has easily been the best thing I’ve ever done and I can’t help showing them off ?

    These are just some silly pictures I took when I was drunk the other night but I love my boobs in them ? And the black one is a SIZE 16 bikini top which was too small!!! They didn’t go up to an 18 though so I bought it. Gone from size 6/8 bikinis to size 16 haha, totally made up ?????

    I had 450cc high profile unders x

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    Janelle 61

    You look beautiful xx

    Jess 146

    Thank you @janelle ?? Not long until your op now! Bet you’re dead excited xx

    Leanne 41

    They look amaaaazing! X

    Janelle 61

    Im terrified lol!!!
    Of the pain after and wether the 450s will fit in or not
    ? Xx
    Did you have 450 in both or just in 1? And 425 in the other?

    Bassett28 122

    Woohoo!! How exciting. Xx

    Sam 49

    Wehayyyy F/G!!! There looking fab babe! Xx

    Harriet 88

    Yay Jess, that’s so exciting x

    Jess 146

    Thank you girls, I’m so happy!

    Dr Mounir originally said I’d probably have to have 2 different sizes but he’d try the 450s in first and they fit and he used both of them and they look fine ? xx

    Amy Parren 38

    I’m the same!! Only 2 weeks post op but just couldn’t help myself this morning!! I hope they don’t go down anymore as I measures between a 32/34 back and a G in wonderbra but FF in Triumph! But they looked amazing in any bra without any faffing! So so chuffed. Yours look amazing! I don’t blame you for showing them off! I had 425/450cc high profile overs but from a empty, saggy D/DD! X

    Sarah 13

    They look amazing, no wonder you want to show them off!!
    I’m hoping to have 460cc high profile unders (not with MYA) on 25th July and would be over the moon if mine turn out like yours! I’m currently also a 34A/B, just hope my surgeon is able to fit the 460’s in and he thinks they look good! I’m tall 5ft 10 so hoping I’ll be able to carry them off!
    What size sports bras did your surgeon recommend for after your surgery? My surgeon has said a D cup which I was disappointed with as thought I would need bigger!!!

    Jess 146

    Thank you @aparren! Do you have pics on your profile? I was debating overs or unders but went with unders in the end! xx

    Jess 146

    @sarahe thank you! I’m sure whatever the outcome you’ll be made up! I was a bit sad at first that mine didn’t look like the pics I had saved as “goals” but still liked them and now within a couple of weeks I love them even more than I’d liked hers! Patience is key 🙂 He didn’t mention what size sports bra to get and I forgot to ask so I just ended up getting a Macom but it was pretty tight and painful, I don’t like wearing it. If I were you I’d get like D/DD/E especially since you’ll be swollen at first and whichever ones you don’t use you can always take back 🙂 xx

    Amy Parren 38

    @Jess I have lots of pictures and I’ll add some more from today in a min! My surgeon didn’t give me the option as I had enough breast tissue for overs so I didn’t have that choice. Yours look a better shape though but you probably had better than me before as mine are just a bigger version of what I had before. I’m happy though! I don’t want them to go down too much lol I’m used to them being big and pert now! X

    Jess 146

    @aparren I just looked through all your pics and yeah I get what you mean about being a bigger version of what you used to have, they look great though! My pre op were pretty perky and I liked the shape of them, just wanted them bigger! I’ll see if I can attach a pic here xx

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    Amy Parren 38

    @Jess you where definitely way perkier than me before. I really needed an uplift so I’m very happy with my results. We’re lucky girls 🙂 xx

    Sarah 13

    Thanks for your reply! I’m hoping I’ll end up happy like you! Thanks for advice on the sports bras! Do you have any recommendations on where to get them from? I’ve heard good things about the M&S ones? Guess I should wait until closer to my op before buying so I’m within the 28 returns afterwards!
    Happy healing!

    Amy Parren 38

    @Sarah I vote for Macom bra as you just have to order your usual back size and don’t have to worry about your cup sizes changing. I ordered one Macom and a load of m&s and sent all the m&s back and ordered another Macom and I alternate them. They are my comfort blankets and are much more discreet. I would say White is very see through on the nipples though! X

    Sarah 13

    Thanks Amy – I am definitely going to get a Macom bra and if I get on well with it i’ll get another, thinking of getting black but thanks for the heads up about the white one!!

    Boobies16 3

    I’m the same!! Started as A cup and measured at 5 weeks a H cup!! But !!! I went back to DEbenhams and got another G cup yesterday and the cup is slightly too small so you may still be growing ? I’m 8 weeks post op today ? Xx

    Jess 146

    Hope I am still growing! I’m so happy at the minute, can’t wait until Tuesday so I can start wearing normal bras again! Can’t wait to see how they look in a push up ? Cleavage to the max! xx


    @jess they are fabulous! I’m also over the moon with my results too. Jess and I had our op on the same day with the same surgeon (Mr Monier) I was a 30b pre op and now measuring a 30F/G or a 32E. Mine look so natural it’s insane! I had teardrop unders 375cc, anyone who wants to add me can see my photos. All to often women ask what size to expect afterwards but it’s totally about your frame I think not necessarily about what they were before or what size implants they have. #overthemoon xxxJess you can tell that your confidence has grown as well as your boobies!!!

    Jess 146

    @gilbertguru yay I’m so glad you’re happy with yours too! I know it’s crazy how much 2 lumps on your chest can change the way you feel about yourself haha. I actually like looking in the mirror and don’t feel like a little boy any more ? xx


    gorgeous mines tomorrow 400cc overs xxxxxx

    Natalie -1

    OP DAY AHHHHHHH 450cc mod unders I think in having. Told them I want to achieve a E cup so fingers crossed xxx

    Emily 24

    Jess where did you get he black bra from?! I love it!!! Xxx

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