Just had my op!!! Started by: Kate

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  • Kate

    So so happy!!! In Preston… Staff could not do more for me. So lovely. Had to wait quite a while to go down for op but just had a little sleep… Woke up feeling fine! Chest feels heavy and abit stretched but… Pain absolutely fine. Able to get myself up and out of bed on my own and can move my arms fine. Nurse said just keep my meds up and il be fine…

    Boobs look just what I wanted… Obviously very hard and high up but… Look amazing so far! Nurse said that they’re swollen but also the muscle is pressing them down ATM so once that’s stretched and moulded they will be soft and grow a little more.
    So happy! Anyone unsure about mounir DONT BE!! He’s amazing. Made me feel so comfortable and knows what’s best.

    Anyone pre op that’s nervous or has questions feel free to ask!
    Excited to show the world my new twins! X

    sarah 3

    Hya kate congrats hun!! I cant wait for mine 5 weeks left, whats size did you have? Im having unders too can I add u aswell xx


    Welcome to the club so glad it went well x


    Yeah course!! I was supposed to be having 375cc but when I came out of the op he said he had done one 375 and the other 400 cause they didn’t look even! I was worried about the pain but I’m totally fine not half as bad as I thought it would be! I’m allergic to codeine aswell so think I’m just on paracetamol and broufen… Bound to be stiff tomorrow but feeling good ATM! Xx

    Gemma -1

    Aww congrats welcome to the boobie club 🙂 xx

    sarah 3

    Aw thats good to hear pain wise, if your allergic to codeine I think you can have tramadol hun so ask for something to go home with. Congrats again bet your soo happy 🙂 x x

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