Just Starting Out Started by: Amy

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  • Amy

    I have got a couple of consultations booked and would really appreciate any help and advise. I’m currently a 32b and looking to go to maybe a D but still unsure. If anyone has similar sizings to me would love to chat. I am scared of having surgery but this is something that I’ve always wanted. Please let me know of your experiances and any experiance of anyone who has had surgery with MYA 🙂 xx

    sillymilly 2

    Hi hun just accepted you x


    thank you hun 🙂 x


    I am 10 days post op and would say its the best thing I’ve done. Like you I was really nervous beforehand. I didnt go with mya but Ive had a great experience so far, the hospital, the staff, my surgeon were all great. My recovery has been really good too, not been in hardly any pain at all and i am really pleased with my results. This site is great and the girls are all really helpful with any questions you have no matter how silly it might be. x

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