justbreastimplants.com/forum Started by: sarahx

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  • sarahx

    ^^ o.m.g this site is amazing! seriously anything u want to find out pre-op/post-op about boobies is on there! i originally saw the link for it on the mya forums, but thought id share it again with you all as its such a brilliant website for us girls who have had/are having BA. for the past 8 days since my op, ive spent hours on there! you get support off the other women, share experiences, get ur problems answered etc! i definetly recommend it! you can create ur own profile and share pics of ur boobs! its been a great help! ive saved myself sooo much worry lol! i sound like an advert for it haha!
    sarah xx


    hello there im a first time user and am curious about gettin my boobs done..should i ( im a 32 a :( (i want to go to a d/dd) i have no confidence and cover up all the time. any body have any advice ??


    yessss! definetly get it done! im exactly like you! except i was more 34AA/small A and ive been conscious since i hit puberty! im 19 now and 8 days post op! im so glad i did it and have no regrets! i had 410cc overs and im currently a 38C/36D.
    get in touch with MYA to just have the initiak consultation, its free and you’ll be told everything you need to know there.
    sarah xx


    ihavent been able to sighn up on their , for some reason its not leeting me register …

    missmanace 2

    Iv been on there its a great site although its made me even more undecisive :S

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