Labia reduction Started by: Nicky

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  • Nicky

    Thinking of labia reduction, hoodectomy and maybe even tightening. Scared I can’t sit down for a week, not got a high pain threashold. How long and how bad it the discomfort

    Hay0202 6

    Pain wasn’t too bad for me after a few days just uncomfortable if anything – but I won’t lie it was almost 3 weeks up till I could sit properly without it hurting and about 10 days till i could walk properly .. but evryone is differnt and it’s worth it – you just need to rest I’m glad I had 2 weeks off work but was worrying I wasn’t gonna be feeling comfortable by the end of the 2 weeks so deffo try get as much time off to recover 1 week wouldn’t of been enough for me personally – and if you keep on top of icing and pain relief regularly and get into a routine and pattern of cleaning and taking care of the area well and carefully you should heal quicker x

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Hay0202 6.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Hay0202 6.
    PLOS 2

    I had mine on Monday, I was walking around yesterday & today, also driving. It’s uncomfortable but I’m keeping on top of pain killers so no pain yet. Slept quite a lot, I do think I have a higher tolerance to these things compared to most but it really doesn’t write you off. However I do have a physical job so perhaps more able to be active. Don’t worry & go for it x

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