Lack of Motivation!! Started by: Nikki

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  • Nikki 1

    I don’t know about you lot but excitement for seeing the surgeon has taken over me lol…….

    I can’t seem to pluck up any motivation to do anything other than thing about it and google things lol roll on 1pm tomorrow.

    Samantha 1

    Good luck for tomorrow! I am exactly the same, I am absolutely useless at work today lol. What hospital are you at and who are you having? xx

    Laura 12

    Good luck and enjoy 🙂 All ive done lately is google boobs and surgery- think even my boyfriend is getting sick at the sight of boobs lol xx

    Nikki 1

    Hahaha, I’m having op at Manchester but using nottingham clinic for my appointments. I’m currently booked in with Dr monuir but it’s depending on meeting him tomorrow but he sounds good to me from what people have said. I’m very open minded too so I won’t be picky xxx


    Haha i think everyone is like that!! Its so bloody exciting how are you supposed to concentrate on anything else?!?! hahha xx GOOD LUCK! xx

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