Left boob is so much smaller :( Started by: Ba2019

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  • Ba2019 13

    I had my BA two weeks ago and really happy with the right boob but my left one looks so much different. Has anyone else had this problem of them dropping at different times and if so when did they even out?
    Any reassurance would be fab ❤️❤️

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    Jaclyn 41

    Mines slightly different but maybe not so much as urs. Wait til 6 weeks and should even out. If not go back to surgeon x

    Ba2019 13

    Ah ok thanks babe! I’ve seen other people’s having one side drop sooner but mine are such different sizes xx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Ba2019 13.
    Gjtule 1

    Mines are different as well… I am almost 5 weeks post surgery and feeling so stressed they they they look… and i am so affraid that they will not change and will stay as it is :(((

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    Ba2019 13

    I’m in completely the same boat! It’s so horrible isn’t it because I love my right one I just want them to be the same 🙁 keep reminding myself it takes months and they heal at different rates but don’t know long it will be ahh

    Angie 2

    same here ladies. 2 different boobs 3 weeks post op. had 350 and 325 do decrease assymetry and made it even worse at least for now

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