Less than 2 hours till I go down to theatre!!! So nervous ATM but can’t wait to see results!!! Xx
Good luck Hun all be worth it so exciting !! xx
ahhhhh u will be so close to it now, 1 hour to go!!
Good luck , its gonna be well worth it , get lots of rest , xxxx
Good luck! Let us know how you get on, I’ll be thinkin of ya xxx
Good luck!!! X
Good luck & hope you love your new twins xx
good luck! hope everything goes well :D:D xxxx
Thanks girls!! I’m back up and all done feel sicky xx
Congrats to you and your new boobs x
I also felt really sick babe.. Didn’t eat till late that night.
Bet you’re glad it’s over! Xxx
Yeah definately!!! Hoping they stay the size they at at the minute an ill be over the moon lol xx
Congrats on the new boobs Hun, and happy healing xx
Omg this will be me in 16 days! Wooooo!!
Congrats hun, happy healing! X
Thanks girls! I love them hope they don’t go any smaller after swelling, I’m in a 34F sports bra not happy that my PC ordered smaller implants then we agreed & my signature was nowhere to be seen to consent this but all sorted now!!! Will be uploading pics soon xx
That’s grate your happy Hun . Mine have only just started to swell today . So there’s a big chance you could have that size .xx
Aw well I hope so then! Can’t wait to see how different they look in a few weeks lol xx
Wow, faith I bet your really pleased I’m a 32b having 470 overs so hope I get a decent sized pair lol, hope your recovery is quick xx
What implants did you have babe??
I agreed 420s with Dr K and I ended up with 410s……
I know it’s not a big difference…. But I was annoyed because I wanted bigger if anything!!
Kelly I was only an A and I’m in 34F ATM so you will definately be a decent size and I had unders. Yours will look good :).
I had CUIs Natasha 410 & 460. So glad to have no strapping too just neat dressings!! Will try upload a pic now if it lets me lol xx
Eughhhh I have the awful strapping!!!!
Tempted to take the lot off though and just leave the dressings on my incisions.
Do take a pic!! I have a few I want to upload but MYA is being sh*t xxx
I’ve took a few Hun just have to wait to get them uploaded xx
Hello faith. Was waiting for you to come round. You feeling ok? I’m in tomorrow. X
Happy healing Hun x x x
Hey hun how u feeling? I cannot sleep to save my life! Tried private messaging you but it’s playing up! Hope you are ok and managing to sleep better than me?
Hey Hun I’m exactly the same lol
I’ve had 1 hour and I’m wide awake watching some crap on tv. You in pain or just uncomfy?? Xx
Snap! At the hospital I felt shattered couldn’t keep my eyes open,’soon as I got too hotel wide awake!! My boyfriends sleep so I’m trying to be quiet lol xx
Ha ha! Did you not have to stay in overnight at hospital then? The buzzing of this radiator is driving me mad! My full message never got sent then either! What is going in with this tonight! Are you sore? Xx
The full sites been down hasn’t it typical when we can’t sleep lol. I was allowed once my sickness stopped about 7 couldn’t wait to get back to hotel & relax.
I’m my sore Hun no can’t believe how I’ve been feeling to be honest, I’m dreading tomorrow I think its gona sharp change lol how you getting home from hospital?
You happy with your new boobies? Xxx
Yeah I know! What a pain was desperate to chat to everyone as I’m on my own…. My other half got called to work and now won’t b home until bloody early hours Wednesday! If we would have known earlier i would have gone to Preston as its near his work! Grrrr so I’ve been in hospital on my tod! I’m sure I’m going to wake up in absolute agony! It’s too good to be true at the minute isn’t it! I’ve even been getting out if bed on my own! Just had a sneaky peek in the mirror… So far I love what I see and am pleased! How bout you? Xx
Aww bless ya, that’s the one thing i couldn’t of done without my boyfriend so I know how hard it is for ya. Yep it’s certainly too good to be true, did you get unders or overs?
I’ve been getting out of bed on my own too which I was shocked, I thought I’d of had to wake my boyfriend up to help me to the toilet lol
I’m rely pleased Hun yeh , I hope they don’t go any smaller then ill be over the moon, I’m glad I have no strapping just little dressings. Looking forward to my own bed xx
Oh wow you lucky thing! I’ve got drains in and vile strapping on! I hate it! It’s annoying me so much already can’t imagine how I’m going to feel after another 6 days of it! Yeah was absolutely gutted when he told me last night he had to travel
If mine stay like this i will be a happy girl! Mr K will be my hero! Was laughing so much earlier as I watched Mr Kazzazi park his car or should I say attempt! My room is right out front onto the car park! I was praying his surgical skills were better than his parking! Ha ha
Aw god Hun I feel for you, I was dreading te drains more than the full surgery,
I honestly don’t know how people keep their strapping on, does it feel rely tight as well?
Do you get the drains out before you leave tomorrow ?
Ha I know what you mean it went to error last time I replied. Getting worse isn’t it xz
Yes it’s really tight and making it hard to breath doing my head in! Wonder why some use it and others don’t! These drains make me feel quite sick! I don’t want to see what’s coming out of my body thanks Doc! Xx
Hahahaha!!! It’s just men aren’t as good drivers as us women trey say unders get bigger over time don’t they? So once the swelling goes hopefully they’ll fluff an stay same size xx
Ha ha ha very true! Do you live in Preston then? Hopefully he will be right then can’t wait to get on holiday and in that bikini now! Exciting times ahead for us! Xx
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