lifting after a breast lift+enlargement Started by: gemstar

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  • gemstar

    hello ladies just a quick question how long after a breast lift/enlargement are you able to lift? i have a 5month old and her dad will be taking 2 weeks off of work. but im concerned about if i will be able to lift her after 2weeks, also i have my appointment with the surgeon soon do you have to pay for this as in my initial consultation i was never told. thank you in advance xx


    Hello, in answer in to your first question, I’m two weeks post op and I’m fine with most lifting now, I could lift my 1 year old nephew after a week so you should be ok 🙂 xx


    Thank you so much for your reply Jenna 😀 xx


    That’s ok! 🙂 Just do what you think you’re capable of 🙂 xx

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