Lifting your arms up Started by: Maz

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  • Maz

    Hiya, hope someone can help. I read a really good book called The Boob Bible and there was a chapter about making sure you lift your arms up 3 times a day from day 1. Apparently it makes your recovery easer and faster.
    I thought we weren’t suppose to raise our arms up for a good couple of weeks.
    Anyone got any thoughts on this? Cheers x


    Hmm… I was told not to lift arms above shoulder height for 7 days and then not to lift too much/over stretch. I would go with whatever your surgeon gives you to be honest – plus the fact that it chuffing hurts lifting your arms too soon post op! x

    kathryn 1

    theres lots of books and exercise tips for post op boob surgery but they’re usually for medically required ops like for breast cancer, they’re aimed at speeding up recovery time, for plastic surgery the aim is to reduce scarring so I would follow your surgeons advice and not the books. I was told not to lift anything heavier than cutlery for 1-2 weeks, I was told not to lift the kettle etc, plus i wasn’t supposed to lift my arms to my above shoulder height or move my arms to much behind my sides x


    I wouldnt have been able to do this if i had too! I couldnt lift my arms above head for 7days x

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