lip enhancement how much does it cost / where is the best place to get it done Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    only my top lip needs plumping up as its a lot smaller then my bottom lip does any1 know how much this costs ?

    Thanks girls xx


    Had mine done a few times, it honestly kills haha had tears rolling down my cheeks the first few times and mine cost £300 from a place in hale x

    ayshababy 5

    mine cost £300 too at my dentist i think thats pricey tho! i had 1 syringe in feb and another in june they hadnt shrunk atal i jus wanted em bigger lol x he sed they shudnt lose volume til next june!
    it didnt hurt much coz i had gas and air, numbing injection inside my mouth, and ice haha! xx


    arhhh thanks girls thats great i’ve herd so many different prices so didnt know what to think its good that you are both at the same price i will have to let my bf know now then lol

    I suppose you girls live nearer london then i do , i hope theres some where the same price in west sussex , going to get some botox done as well why i’m there

    ayshababy 5

    I live in essex n had it done here x theres a woman who alot of girls on here recommend shes on facebook Rejuvenation Woolton. She travels different areas! She has done towie girls lips n botox, n its cheap like 150! X


    wow thanks thanks ayshababy i will check her out asap how nuch does botox normally cost ?

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