Hi all,
I’m new here! I’ve recently received a diagnosis of Lipoedema and I’m looking into options with regard to dealing with it. I understand there is no cure, but things that can be done to help it. I’m not overweight (5’5″, 10st 2, I’m a relatively fit and healthy 33 year old) and my lipoedema is in the early stages so not too bad, but not good either. Mobility is ok at this stage but I do suffer the characteristic bruising and sensitivity to pain in my legs; the biggest problem as far as I’m concerned at this stage is how I look and feel (I’m very self conscious).
The NHS website suggests surgery as being an option, yet my GP said it’s not advised due to the risks to the lymphatic system. I’m confused! Has anyone here received a diagnosis of lipoedema and is either having surgery to minimise it, or has already had it? Any advice would be much appreciated! xx