Little lumps under incisions? Started by: Chloe

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  • Chloe

    Hey girls, just curious, one of my incisions is quite painful when I move just a little bit when I’m wearing my macom bra. It looks normal but I have like two little hard lumps under my incisions. Is this normal, can anyone relate? I’m paranoid haha x

    Tracy 52

    It’s completely normal, I’ve just been checking mine, they’re very lumpy & raised. Having done this once before, I can reassures you that they do sort themselves out over time. I’ve bought a silicone scar ointment to use to daisy with healing, I used one last time.

    Tracy 52

    Assist lol not daisy

    Gemma Lou 24

    Hi hun, keep an eye on them as it may be a build up of blood known as a haematoma. It’s probably nothing but just watch if the lump gets bigger or more painful. I developed one after 2dpo and thought it was just a water pocket and it would go away on its own. At 4dpo it was bigger and hurt so much more. I had to have it drained at 6dpo (yesterday). There’s still a small blood clot but hopeful it will go away on its own. If left it can get infected and cause problems with three Implants. If you are concerned call mya and have it checked. Sorry don’t want to worry you but I thought you should know. Hope it feels better soon honey xx

    Claudine 196

    Try not to worry mine felt like that and i had my 7 day check today ive had 2 blisters growing for some reason, and im a bit bruised, the nurse was happy i was healing well though despite me thinking they were a bit of a mess, she said she hadn’t seen this blisters before so i thought its just bad luck but my friend who works in maternity thinks i might have had a little bit of a reaction to the dressing x

    Claudine 196


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