Liverpool on all nurse number Started by: Maz

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  • Maz

    Hi all,
    I’m having some weird feeling in my left boob 4 weeks post op and really would like to speak to a nurse however all the numbers I’ve called are going straight to voice mail. My normal nurse isn’t back til Tuesday. Does anyone have a number for this weekend? Thanks!

    any this is the problem if anyone can help:

    My right boob feels totally normal- like it’s my own, I can’t feel the implant. But my left one I can feel like there is something there all the time ie the implant and when I bend down I feel pressure and when I’m walking around I can feel pressure and a tightness. This is normal for 4 weeks post op? I’m so scared I’ve damaged the pocket! They both look fine but the left one feels totally different to the right one,

    Thanks for reading xx

    AllyH 2

    It sounds normal really Maz, they don’t do the same things at the same time but the out of hours number I was given was 0845 270 2173. It does say for emergency use only. Has the pain and weird feeling just suddenly come on. Pains and weird feelings are to expected for months from what I’ve read xx


    Hey hun..Im 4 weeks on tues. From what your sayin.. I had this feelin all last week n was worried but its gone now. My right felt like my own.. I just said my left is like an alien waiting to come down to earth. As my right dropped n settled fine n softened up. would say its normal as now my left is slowly droppin gettin softer and I no longer have that strange feeling with it… n well I no still lots of Changing we r still early days xxxx


    Thank you so much for your comments and reassurance! Xx

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