London change of Hospitals Started by: Alex

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  • Alex

    Hey has anyone else just been told their procedure location has moved from London fitzroy to the new Victoria Hospital? I’m super nervous about the change as I’m not great with travelling and it seems a bit more of a pain to get to!!

    Laura Simmons 27

    Yeah same thing happened to me on Friday, my op is is this Thursday. It’s actually worked out better for me as it’s 20 mins drive from my house but I can totally see that changing at this late stage is super annoying!!

    If it’s any consolation the New Vic is a great and really well established private hospital that has just been recently revamped!

    The most annoying part for me is that they are yet to give me an admission time (less than 48 hours before my op). Not such an issue for me but the other girls on my day that have booked hotels etc and have to travel in must be really annoyed!

    I’m sure it will all be fine though no point stressing too much, it will all work out fine I’m sure!

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