Looking after a toddler after having a BA Started by: May

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  • May

    Hi ladies.
    Bit of advice please.
    Im thinking og getting my boobs done but havent been brave enough to do so as i have a 1 yr oldactive child n no family who can look after her.

    Can anyone give me any advice. After my surgery will i be able to cope with a demanding 1 yrnold iw picking up, feeding etc as i read u cant move ur arms etc.

    What will i be ristricted to as a mom

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun I had an 18 month old n two older children 7 and 11 I was on my own from day 2 as my husband got called to work away I couldn’t pick him up but I sat on the floor with him to play n got him to climb on settee and stuff with me only think I struggled with was bath times found it hard but I managed hun befor my op I deep cleaned full of my house as knew I wouldn’t be able to do much kitchen wise I planned all meals for two week after my op n put everything I would need at arms reach so I didn’t have to stretch for anything and I manged ok had a few days I questioned why I got to done while kids where young lol ???? but I was ok after that I think as mothers we find ways of coping and looking after our children while recovering xxx


    I think it would probably depend if your surgeon advices over or under the muscle implants. The recovery for under the muscle can be so much harder. Just personally from my experience there’s no way I could go near a child until about 5/6 days post op. I had under the muscle implants and the first few days you literally can’t move your arms from your side. I couldn’t touch my own head until day 6/7 let alone pick up anything as heavy as a 1 year old. I couldn’t actually fill and lift the kettle until day 7. Under the muscle can be harder recovery if your chest muscles are quite strong, and I do weight train, so maybe my recovery was the harder end of the scale. After 8/9 days however I started to feel back to normal and could pretty much do all the normal stuff. Recovery was hard but relatively quick. Over the muscle implants are far easier recovery wise. I know girls who are back in the gym after 2 days and in work in 3. I would have a consultation speak to the patient co ordinator and be totally honest and upfront with them about your expectations and responsibilities. It really is such a personal thing the pain scale so I would air on the side of caution. X

    Jenna 2

    I’m 4 days post op and I have a 4 and a 2year old. This is the first day I could just about manage anything. My 2year old has just turned two so still needs me to do most things for him. I thought I’d be ok as I deal with pain quite well but defo glad I had help until now. I was also very sick and drowsy for fmthe first two days after. Xxx

    Jenna 2

    I had under the muscle implants xxx

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