Looking for Macom bras! Started by: Bee

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  • Bee 42

    Anyone selling Macoms? Need a medium and a large. Thought I’d check before buying the two 🙂 xx


    I am also needing to buy mine. I’m thinking 1 small and 1 medium but wanted to know if there was anywhere people would recommend getting them 🙂


    Hello ladies, I bought mine on the Macom website. I bought a large because I was a 36 B to start out with. It has two rows of hooks so it adjustable. It’s really comfortable. I also bought another post surgery bra by a company called Yianna off of Amazon. It’s also very good and a nice shape. I had my surgery a week ago and find both bras great, very supportive

    Bee 42

    Hi Brigitte, thanks for your message and hope you are recovering well after your surgery! I thought I’d post on here to see if anyone is selling their Macom’s before paying full price as I’d like to save some money if possible but if they’re not available then I’ll just get them direct from the website, or will look into Yianna – fabulous recommendation! x


    Hi Becks, I’d sell you mine but I’m still using them! 😂😂 The nurse at my post op appointment told me to wear them for at least 6 weeks. Xx

    Bee 42

    Ha! Thank you for the offer. I have purchased two Macom’s now – they have been dispatched so waiting for them to arrive eeek!! xx

    Bee 42

    Ha! Thank you for the offer. I have purchased two Macom’s now – they have been dispatched so waiting for them to arrive eeek!! xx

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