Looking for photo’s with similar stats please girls :-) Started by: Ruth

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  • Ruth 116

    Hey girls,
    I’m 5ft 6, weigh 10st 10lb (size 10/12) and currently an 34b a very empty b.. does anyone have similar stats to me that wouldn’t mind sharing photo’s? xx

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Ruth 116.
    KB 9

    Hello! I am exactly the same height & weight – I was an empty 34A & went for 375HP under the muscles – I’m only two weeks post but thrilled! Here’s my epic 34DD sports bra fail!

    KB 9

    Second try! – Sorry pic too big, let me know if you want me to DM?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by KB 9.
    Ruth 116

    Hiya KB, would be great if you can DM photo’s please, I have my surgery booked for January. I’m having unders too and have been offered 375cc or 400cc so similar to what you’ve had x


    Similar stats, I got 375cc under the muscle 2 weeks ago. No idea what size I am yet! One is dropping slightly more than the other but my nurse said they will even out over the next few weeks!!


    Will dm pictures x

    Ruth 116

    Georgia thank you that would be brilliant x

    Bethany 17

    Hey. I was 34b and had 400cc partials.

    I’ll attach a before and after pic, I’m 2.5 weeks post op now and took the picture yesterday. They’re looking super natural already I think.

    I definately wish I went bigger tbh, but I do love them and I’m super happy with them. I’d just reccomend going a bit bigger then you think

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    Ruth 116

    Bethany they loom fab ? it’s so hard to know what they are going to look like before the op isn’t it? So go with the biggest implant that’s recommended then? Did you have round or atanomical implants? x

    Bethany 17

    Thank you! Yeh it is really hard!

    Yeh I said I wanted to be a D and he offered me 350-400cc and I went with 400. (I am now measuring a D).
    He said I could go bigger, but to achieve a really natural D stick within that boundary.

    Trouble is I was just so nervous about going too big, I didn’t people to notice I’d had them done etc, whereas now It’s over and I’m more confident about it I wish I was a DD/E ?

    & yes they’re round! It’s only been 2 weeks and they’re dropping already and not looking too round!

    I would suggest going for the top end of what they offer you, don’t worry about them being too big. Once you’ve had it done you love them so much anyway the bigger the better! Xx

    Ruth 116

    That’s exactly how I feel, not wanting to go to big from not a lot. Yours look amazing, your photo has really helped get a better idea, a D is my aim so if they look like yours do I’ll be chuffed. Yours look so natural 🙂 hope your recovery is going well xx

    Kelly 14

    Hi hun,
    I had mine done last year may. I was a 34 A, and I’m a size 8 in clothes. I had 400cc mod plus under the muscle. By Dr Fratti.

    They took about 4-6 weeks to drop and “fluff’. I was happy with the results at time as they were obviously bigger than I had previously, but then I noticed that one side was fuller than the other. I waited for my last consultation with Dr fratti to express my concerns, which he first said I originally had one boob bigger lan the other (I didn’t!). Then I went again after I waited for some more time for any more changes on my boobs, then he agreed that one of my boobs has more vol than the other…. Any way long story short, he have currently declined to rectify my breasts that I paid nearly £6,000 for and expected Mya to at least have a bit more concern withe matter but they that said I need to make a formal complaint….
    Anyways, rant over! I’m going to attempt to send a recent pic on here but usually fails, but if it does I’ll be happy to send to anyone requests by inbox or snapchat. X

    Ruth 116

    Hiya Kelly, can I ask what size you are now if you don’t mind? So sorry that you’ve not had the best time and that your surgeon isn’t willing to rectify it 🙁 pictures would be brilliant if it lets you upload. How did you find recovery post op? x

    Kerrie Bilson 35

    I am similar stats and went for 520cc and love them, they are perfect for me x

    Ruth 116

    Kerrie did you have unders or overs? Are you able to send some photos please x

    Christina 1

    I have a really similar frame to you too, is there any chance you can share some photos? I was considering getting 400s but worried they’ll look too big?

    Christina 1

    I have a similar build to you and am considering getting 400s but worried they may be too big for my frame. Are you able to share any photos?

    Jaclyn 41

    Christina go for it or bigger!

    Lauren -2

    I had 375cc overs was a 32a cup I’d defo go for the biggest you can if I was you x

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