loosing weight after op? rippling? Started by: Hayley

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  • Hayley

    Hi girls new to this. I’ve been for my surgeon consultation now just saving up to book the op. I’m currently 14 stone and 5.9. Im booking my BA for november so I can hopefully shift 2.5/3 stone and it gives me six month to do so. I asked Dr Traynor about rippling and he said that it would only happen if I was to loose a significant amount of weight. I don’t want to stop at three stone, eventually want another stone off after surgery to bring me back to ten stone (I know this sounds unachievable but this surgery is giving me the push to finally do it!!) ..anywayss my question is, is there any other people who have lost more than two stone and noticed rippling? When traynor said significant did he mean about 5? Not sure what to make of it.

    Thanks in advance xx

    Nikki 1

    Haya Hun, the key to is, is to not loose weight quickly so your fine now to power on and try loose your 3 stone but once your implants are in if u want to loose some more then you need to do it slowly and looseing 4/5 stone plus would probs have an affect but not a stone if you loose it slowly xxx


    I got rippling due to losing nearly a stone and a half over the space of a yeat. Some people get it without weight loss like some get with unders ad well as overs, some with big implants some with small. Thet doesnt seem to be any set rules when it comes to rippling, because the weight of implanz will pull down with gravity thats why wearing a good support bra is important x

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