Lopsided Started by: Nina

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  • Nina

    Hi I am 6 weeks 2 days post op and I have been taking photos but have noticed I’m getting more and more lopsided. Is this normal will they even out?


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    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Nina.
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    Hi hun every time I take photos of .ine they look lopsided I think alot of it is to do with the arm being a little raised the way your angled for the pic my one does sit slightly lower than the other but it did before the OP it’s just the position of my nipple dont know if this will help or not I’m also just over 1 year post OP now xx

    Lucy 16

    They look great, I hope mine turn out this well! I have completely different size and shaped breast at the moment and have been told by surgeon they will never be symetrical! I’m not too hung up on it but I do hope my results are similar to yours ! After reading and researching aysymetric breasts post surgery it seems it becomes less and less noticeable as time goes on x

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