Losing weight after BA! Started by: xkay19

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  • xkay19

    i know you are not supposed to drastically lose weight after BA, i have about 1 and a half stone just general puppy fat from eating crap i would like to lose in an ideal world. i am having 525cc overs in january and i know i will have all the motivation i need to lose it once i get my operation especially with christmas coming up it will be hard! has anyone lost weight after will it DEFO affect my boobs because normally if i lose or put on weight i do not lose it from my boob (not much to lose there anyway) haha!

    Any help would be appreciated girls! 🙂 xxx


    i wanted to know this to!! x

    nicca1980 2

    I’m only 3 weeks PO, but one of my friends had hers done in June and think she has lost nearly 2 stone so far and hers are still fab x


    Losing and gaining weight can definitly affect how your implants look, generally if there are lots of fuctuations the effect would be greater. I lost and gained then lost again after my first boob job and it did efefect the way they looked x


    if you weight /fat one of the first places female loose are hips and breast ,if you want to loose weight you shoould tryed to do it before .At the same time you should do so fat burnnind exercise and light weights to keep the shape ,and the most inportant is not to loose the weight to fast 1/2 pound max a week .Eat heathy that is the key and do some exercise everyday for half one ,

    Stephanie -1

    I’ve lost 5.5 stone this year 🙂 my reward my boob job 😉 was 15st 8.

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