Losing weight after ba Started by: chrissyb

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    I want to lose atleast a stone n half is it gonna make my boobs smaller?! X


    Hey hun i want to know the answer to this also,as I need to loose 2st I just cannot shift it I’m off the antibiotics nd pain killers so I’m gna try my best and eat healthy haha. X

    ducky01 4

    Hi ladies my surgeon said it depends on how much breast tissue you have to begin with, hope this helps xx


    I had none lol is this a gd thing or bad for weight loss?? I kno i feel awful im 2 weeks po and js feel and look like an elephant! Xx


    Mr Singh said to me a stone gain or loss will affect your boobs but anything inbetween will be okay! Xx so maybe don’t go to mad x


    O really i forgot to ask him! Ok thanks hun xx


    Ur implants can’t shrink so ul only loose maybe a slight bit of ur original breast tissue I’ve lost half a stone n mine just look bigger as I’m slimmer xxxxxxxxx


    Yeh ithought that it will make them look bigger? I didnt have any tissue preop realy i was soo flat so dont think it wil do too much change to the boobs! X


    Your implants can’t shrink. The weight won’t come off over night so you can monitor it. Bet they’ll look bigger!! 🙂 xx


    Yh I know I’m doin a steady diet with gym js don’t wna lost a stone and it ruin the size of boobs cz defo dnt want smaller! Lol. X


    I was also told anything over a stone can affect the way they look xx

    ducky01 4

    I’ve been told that rippling can occur if you lose too much weight as you lose your own breast tissue resulting in thinner skin & implants, I can’t imagine in any way they’d look smaller just would more than likely look different to your results before xx

    Lottie 2

    I lost a stone after through diet until I got back to the gym I switched to vegan food and sweeteners and almond milk it made so much difference ! U can’t do excersise sadly so it’s all u can do:(but now I’m back at the gym feels so good and my new cross trainer is coming next week 🙂

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