Loss of feeling in nipples? Started by: Nic

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  • Nic 6

    Hi I’m just wondering if the loss of feeling in the nipples is a common thing? Mine are super sensitive at the moment which is obviously a bonus in the bedroom 🙈😆 and hoping not to loose that after surgery.

    MsNR22 26

    Hi Nic, I’m 3+ months post op. My left nipple feels fine but right nipple still not back to normal sensitivity so I’m very curious to know if this is common or not. Surgeon said it’s only been 3 months sometimes takes a year to fully recover. Boobs look and feel great.

    Tilly 18

    Hey Nic, I’m 1 week post op and my nipples are more sensitive than before! I’m really shocked as I was fully preparing to loose all sensitivity but I did have very sensitive nipples beforehand, not sure if that plays a part? Fingers crossed you’ll be fine xx

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