Lots of bruising Started by: Nia

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  • Nia 7

    Hi girls- I’m 2 days post op and have a lot of bruising all over, feeling really down because my boobs are a funny shape and seem to be more to the sides than together if that makes sense. Is this normal? I had 325cc dual plane positioning.. also my macom is so tight it’s digging into my side I’m ver swollen so did any of you take your bra off for a little bit to have a rest? Thanks in advance x

    Angela 15

    I’m 6 days in & im really bruised in middle of boobs I also have big gap and seen more side but I’m not too worried about that coz I know they going to change in time and shape has changed slightly already they looked really pointy the day after looked again yesterday and they look slightly smoother, think it’s just a time thing I had to have a look but make sure u have help putting bra back on I only took mine off for a quick peek then straight back on it was like a few seconds relief then back to suffocation! Haha x x

    Nia 7

    Thank you Angela for your reply:) I’m glad it’s not just me who is like this.. what size did you have?
    Are you more comfortable nearly a week on? Mx


    I was also bruised but don’t worry they will disappear and your boobs will start changing shape x

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    Nia 7

    Thank you crystal for getting back to me:) yours look fab I bet you’re so happy with them- hope mine are like yours in the future. Mine seem so alien right now and not what I wanted tbh they’ve got a huge gap in the middle, hope it closes up a bit! What size did u have x

    Angela 15

    I was a very small 32 b and I’ve had 400 & 375 as were slightly uneven in size hp overs, I took the biggest size he offered as didn’t want boob greed like so many say on here was kinda worried thinking they might be too big but I don’t think they look big so pleased I went bigger! They look so different on ppl sometimes I think smaller looks bigger?? It hard to judge it isn’t it
    I think the pic that crystal has put on is great coz u can see so much more definition and look closer on 2nd pic hope mine look that good!! X x

    Nia 7

    It is hard to judge.. hoping mine look as good as crystals too haha but anything has got to be better than what I had before:/
    I suppose it’s a waiting and being patient game which is what I’m not very good at.. when did u take a shower for the first time?x

    Angela 15

    Oh and every day has got easier other than stretching high or low I’m fine the 2 me day was the worst after that it got better for me x x

    Angela 15

    Haven’t yet had a shower that’s the worst thing I feel disgusting! Waiting to see what nurse says x x


    Thank you everyone I had 350
    I basically started off with nothing
    Here’s latest photo made in black and white so you can see the shape x


    Here it is x

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    Nia 7

    Oh my goodness what a difference:) I bet you’re over the moon with the end result.. are they dual plane? Your before photo is just the same as me crystal, I had nothing there either x

    Angela 15

    Crystal I think your boobs r the best on here, hope mine drop & fluff like that I would be over the moon they look perfect ! Do you think they look bigger when they drop ?? X x


    Thank you ladies that means so much
    I had dual plane and I had it done nearly 7 weeks ago x


    They have defo gone bigger
    Look at this photo taken about 5 weeks ago x

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    Angela 15

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed mine turn out as good,yeah they defo look bigger hope mine do as I don’t think they look that big & look very pointy looking down on them, I’m like Nia I’m impatient 2 x x


    Yes just wait and one day you will wake up and be surprised x

    Nia 7

    I agree Angela, crystals are definitely the best Iv seen.. I really hope mine end up like this.. mine look a bit small and pointy too Angela- can’t wait for the end result and itl all be worth it I hope x

    Ntenisa 10

    @crystal they look amazing! may I ask who was your surgeon? xx


    Thank you ladies it was Mr Traynor x

    Angela 15

    Ah crystal that’s music to my ears! I had mr traynor as well fingers x x 🙂

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