Macom bra Started by: Samantha

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    Hi girlies, Is this something you have to get? I have my consultation on the 4 th November and my op on the 20th and I’m worried I won’t have time to get one. Where do you all get them from?? Xxx


    You order them online just type in Macom in to google you’ve got plenty of time. I just got a high impact and medium impact from tesco in the end lol x


    You dont have to, but its recommended as it adjusts to the size of your boobs. You can order it off the macom website
    If you order it soon it will definitely come before the 20th of november x


    Thanks 🙂 I was worried about not having time as it’s all a bit of a last minute thing! Xx


    It’s just a type of surgery bra, any bra that is supportive is fine! Personally I found the Macom really flimsy and hated it! Sportsjock, shockabsober and Purelime do some really good bras x


    hi girls, I have to say that I was confsued when looking for bras post surgery. The macom is expensive compared to the sports bras, but it is sooooo much better. its seamless and dead comfy – i loved it. Don’t know about what kaydee had but for me it was good quality as it is still going strong now 10 weeks post op



    I was going to get the extra high impact zip up bra from marks n spen..nybody had this post surgery?? x

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