Macom bra vs high impact sports bra? Started by: Poppy

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  • Poppy 4

    Hey, i was just wondering as iv seen a lot of girls go for high impact sports macom and the high impact both work? Are they both just as comfortable and are your nurses/surgeons happy for you ro wear either ? Also im super confused on on earth do you get the correct sports bra of you were to buy one or is this more for when you have had the surgery? Thanks! Xx

    Vicky*★. 231

    Hey I’m 6wpo on Tuesday and I’ve worn my macom all the way through. I did get a high impact one from m&s around week 2 and it was sooooo comfy, however my swelling went down within days and it ended up being saggy in the cups. My boobs have been changing so much I’ve just worn the macom signature bra the full way through. I’ve tried my m&s on and it’s far too big for me even though at the time it fitted perfectly xxxxxx

    Jessica 105

    Hey I bought the Macom signature bra initially cause you just buy your back size and I wore that for four days straight. Obviously I needed to wash it so when and got the M&S one. I purposely didn’t buy it beforehand as you get them in cup sizes. I find the Macom comfier to be honest, I think the M&S a good option when you know what cup size to get x

    Angela 15

    Macom all day long! I heard m& s were good so bought 2 as well as my 2 macoms after they r awful so uncomfortable I think anyways so I would just buy the macoms x x


    Hi, what size back would you get in Macom, your normal or a size bigger due to the swelling? Thanks xx

    Michie 12

    Hiya I brought a Macom i bra and an m&s sports bra.
    was recommended by my nurse to wear the Macom but switched today to wash and the m&s is sooooo much more comfy. I’m heading out 2mo to get some more m&s bras!!

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