making sure I have everything before op Started by: Katie

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  • Katie 11

    Hey girls.. my op in on Friday but today is that last day for me to make sure I have everything.. so far I have bought 2 packs of those asda sports bras which they recommended me to buy, a v pillow, arnica tablets for after and a few packets of ibuprofen, multi vitamins, dry shampoo, new dressing gown and slippers 🙂 Do I need to get anything else? I do need to get a zip up jumper or something to wear to come home in. Which I’ll look for today.. any tips on anything as well I’m getting a bit nervous now ha xx

    Cheynne 18

    Hi Lovely, is there any chance you can send the link for the sports bras? xxxxx

    Danielle 131

    I saw somewhere to get bendy straws so that you limit the amount you move your arms in the first few days. I also got some dioralyte drinks for after the op because some girls said they woke up feeling really dehydrated. Erm…what else? Lol…baby wipes? To freshen yourself up a little because you can’t shower properly.

    Food and some form of entertainment for the hospital so you’re not bored during the wait.

    I’m packing my bag this weekend, my ops on Wednesday next week 🙂


    Sophie 123

    Maybe some button up pjs tops so don’t have to raise your arms to get them on? Also some girls said they were a it constipated after so maybe some stool softener ( groce I know but at least then you can be prepared lol). Also bio oil for stretch marks but don’t know how soon post op you can apply that xx

    Katie 11

    Thanks girls 🙂 I think iv got everything now I hope haha ..,default,pd.html xx

    parris jade 28

    What arnica tablets have you got? X

    Laura 27

    Omg Katie I’m so nervous! I can’t sleep. I’m the first op in the morning so I hope he’s had a good nights sleep and a strong coffee. Lol. Good luck for tomorrow! X

    Katie 11

    Sorry Laura just seen this I hope you got on ok? 🙂 I’m setting off in about 10 mins to get there I bet I’m his last so I hope he isn’t fed up and want to just get home haha jokes thanks.. Paris they are just from boots I think it says arnica 30c hope I ah the right ones lol xx

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