Managing other people's expectations!? Started by: Francesca

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  • Francesca 13

    Hey everyone,
    Not sure if anyone’s in the same boat as me, but I am kinda gonna keep my boob job under wraps and only tell close friends/family basically. I just wondered how people have managed any comments if people have asked whether they’ve had a boob job or not? I don’t know what to say and whether to just be honest should people ask!? Such a tricky one but my gut instinct has always been to keep it as much of a secret as possible for some reason?

    emma 40

    Hi francesca,

    I had mine done over 4 weeks ago and in clothes I don’t think people can tell as I would always wear 2 sizes bigger bras anyway now they’re the same sort of size but just in the sports bra. Unless I wore something really plunging without a bra it’s not really obvious.

    I originally didn’t want anyone to know but I literally can’t stop telling people about them now because it’s like the best thing since sliced bread hahah xxxx


    Hey hun thts a really good question! I personally didn’t care much for what others thought, I only told close friends and my mum. I didn’t tell my bro and I live with him as I felt embarrassed but I reckon he has clocked on. Post op I began to panic as I realised they looked massively different and I wasnt sure how to even address it esp on my social media pics.

    I just bit the bullet and posted pics with v neck tops that clearly show I have an increase in volume and shape. Mates I’m not so close to contacted me privately and commented but many thought I had just got a really good bra or suspected they had been done but surprised by how natural they look. When I admitted I’d had them done everyone was really positive and some asking advice and saying they want theirs done too. Just like the previous comment I found myself opening up to people and telling them. I think I feel better letting someone know they’re fake rather than them guessing. But new people I’ve met can’t even notice lol. I think the test will be when I get involved in a new relationship as I know some guys can be hit and miss with them either way my boobs are here to stay.

    I will never deny I’ve had them done but at the same time, I wouldn’t put it as a hashtag (#boobs #ba #fakeboobs #doublef’s on my pics or make public comments about them because I’m a qualified secondary school teacher and have to protect myself online as it could put my career and current school into disrepute.

    To be honest you have made a massive decision for you and even if people don’t notice a massive change in your size and think it’s just a good bra ur new found confidence will be what shines through. So people will prob be drawn to the massive smile and more confidence you will show. Just own it! U have paid for them in money, pain and tears! Fx

    Jessica 105

    I’m the same. My family know as in my mam, dad brother and sister and my best friends and boyfriend and that’s about it to be honest. Don’t plan telling people either. If they ask maybe I will. Xx

    Diane 14

    ive told quiet a few people as im so excited. alot of my colleagues know as i didnt really fancy the shock and the questions when i returned to work as im a flat aa/a cup now so it will be noticeable.
    if your comfortable to tell people do it. surgery is nothing to be ashamed of.

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