Manchester hospital- help! Which surgeon? Started by: Emma Johnson

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    I have been asked if there is a surgeon in particular I would like, any recommendations?
    (Manchester hospital) thanks

    Becky 1

    I had my surgeon consultation with Mr Traynor at Manchester and then my BA with him at Preston. He is amazing however you do have to be prepared for him! He’s very straight talking and typically Irish but he knows exactly what he’s doing and has a ridiculous amount of experience. It will probably seem like the consultation goes very quickly with him but it’s simply because he doesn’t beat around the bush and likes to get things done, but don’t be put off; he will answer all your questions thoroughly and make sure you know exactly what to expect! He made me feel very at ease and I had full confidence in him from start to finish. I even got a chuckle and a friendly head pat after my op when I was high as a kite and told him I loved him haha! Hope this helps!

    Angela 1

    Hi, I also had Mr Traynor, consultation in Manchester and Op in Preston. He just knows his breasts, I felt comfortable with him from the start, post op 14 days now and pleased with results, just waiting for them to settle and soften. Have your consultation and see how you feel, if you don’t feel confident see another.


    Thanks guys for your replies. Bit concerned now as I thought I would be having my actual augmentation in Manchester not Preston?
    I am booked in to see a surgeon at the Manchester clinic on the 20th, not sure which surgeon this will be though I just said I want one with a lot of experience.
    So if I have my consultations in Manchester which hospital would I go to? Is there a hospital in Manchester?
    Do you mind if I add you’s guys as friend as its a peace of mind to speak with people who have had their op done same location as I will be having mine
    Thanks! X

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