Marcellino Started by: Mia

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  • Mia 17

    Ive been given a new surgeon since my original one retired. Now having my ba with MR Marcellino and not meeting with him til the 27th of jan and my ops booked for the 9th of February! Nervous isn’t even the word :/

    Anyone had any experience with him? I know he’s new to mya and at least with my old surgeon I’d seen loads of pictures of other girls that had him and there outcome was amazing! But I’ve seen none from him so I’ve just got to hope his results are what Im looking for.

    I haven’t even met him yet lol. Can any girls put my mind at ease and tell me what he’s like 🙂

    Thanks and happy new year!

    Wiewie 3

    Hi Hun I’m having him,my op is 8th of jan not long now!he is very nice Man U will feel very comfortable with him very chatty hahahaha. There was girls who had him too and they were over the moon with him!!if u want add me ill put pictures up after my op is done so u can have a look at his work xxx

    Mia 17

    I’ve only heard good things so far so that gives me hope! I’m super chatty too so thats very good to know 😀 Ah thank you 🙂 not long for you now 🙂 Good luck with your op! Xxx

    Caz 6

    Hi, I’m having mine with him on 26th jan. Seemed really nice when I met him and seemed as concerned as me to make sure I chose the right implant. So made me feel at ease, will keep you posted how I get on x

    Caz 6

    @mia hope you don’t mind I added you. Curious to know how you got on. Hope it went well today. Speedy recovery x

    Mia 17

    Hey Caz 🙂 You’re before me I’ve got mine booked for the 9th of feb. Ah thats so good to hear! Its always a worry that you’re gonna be just another one on the list and its so nice to have a surgeon that actually seems like he cares lol. I’ve taken a few ‘before’ pictures but i refuse to upload them til I have some good boobies to compare it to haha. Will upload them before my surgery day tho 😀
    Good luck for you on the 26th! Xx

    Lina 3

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    @mia and @wiewie hope your dont mind me adding you! Im booking my surgeon consultation with him and would love to see how you get on and any work he has done! Best of luck with surgery and recovery! xxx

    Mia 17

    No problem Lina 🙂 I’m meeting him on the 27th so will let you know what he’s like. I’m going to ask to see some of his previous ba’s too so hopefully I’ll get a good idea of his style 🙂 So ridiculously excited lol xx

    Wiewie 3

    Hi sorry cant upload any pics from my phone here…grrr ill do the pics on wed when I’m around my friends and can use computer! Marcellino is amazing he done my op and I’m happy with what I got,he is the best I wanted natural look and I know its early days yet but I’m so happy and he was so happy when he came in to check on me after op!great doc
    Ill make a post on wed with all uploaded pictures so keep an eye out!!!xxx

    miley 17

    hi ladies hope you dont mind but ive sent all of you a friends request as i am booked in with marcellino monday i met him last week and he was lovely just need to see some pics of his work, im a 32A now and getting 300cc unders xx

    Mia 17

    No problem 🙂 I met him today and he seems lovely. So friendly!
    He’s recommended 300cc unders for me too 🙂
    I feel so much better after seeing him today we seemed to be completely on the same page.
    Good luck Miley I hope your op goes well and you get the results you want 🙂
    Exciting times for all of us haha xx

    Kasey 7

    Hi girls

    Hope you don’t mind I’ve added you all aswell i’ve got marcellino too. I met him yesterday and he was so nice and friendly. I said I wanted a natural fuller looking bust, he was very honest and Recommended either 325 or 350 HP unders.

    Hope you have all recovered well, and loving your new self! Would be great to hear about op/post op xx


    Hi girls… Ive added you all as well… Im having my consultation with marcellino on the 11th and looking for more info on him as google didnt provide much Lol.. Would be great to see some of his work and some reviews about him 🙂

    Hope you dont mind me adding you all. xxxx

    Simone 11

    Hi ladies I’m meeting with him on thurs for a Ba and also vaserlipo I would love to see some photos of his work as couldn’t find any . Hope u all don’t mind me adding you x


    Hey girlies, I have added you all as I am looking to book Marcelino – I have only heard good things about him but I really want the most natural look as possible and have not seen any pics! Please help xx

    Parris 5

    @caz27x @wiewie is it ok if i add you ladies as i am going to be meeting with dr marcellino in a couple of weeks and it would be great to see some examples of his work. xx 🙂

    AliB1 7

    Hi, I’ve also added you as friends as I’ve got my consultation with Mr Marcellino on 12/6. I’m nervous as hell but it’s good to read you’ve had good results with him. I’m worried he will be a bit conservative with the sizing though and don’t want to go thru such a big operation if I don’t get the results I want.

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