March surgery and panicking! Started by: Maya

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  • Maya 4

    Hi everyone!

    I’m booked in for 20th of March in London with Mr Giannas and I am having a bit of a panic/ some nerves!

    I have a tuberous right breast and am currently a small 34A on the left breast. The surgeon has ordered a few different sizes for each side – and different shaped to try to even them up more too.
    So for the right size it’s between 295-375 anatomical and the left is 250-350 round.
    He’s said he will go with the biggest he can on the day.

    My main worry is they won’t seem big enough – I’ve said I want them fairly natural but I’m now worried I’ll be disappointed.
    Has anyone had similar concerns and were you still happy with the results?!

    Thank you! x

    Sophie 17

    Hey Maya, Mr Giannas is amazing! I had my op on 12th jan, had 375 anatomical implants under the muscle. Trust the surgeon he knows what he is doing! I originally planned on having around 300cc but when I tried them on at the clinic and he advised they’d look smaller once in I decided to go for the biggest on the day – he also ordered a few different sizes for me but managed to fit the biggest in which I’m so pleased about. Definitely go for the biggest you can but also trust the process, they change so much during the healing process and I don’t think they fully settle until about 6-12 months. I was 34A before, not sure what I am now but I’m guessing a D, looking forward to seeing the result at 6 weeks and getting properly measured whenever that will be! X

    Maya 4

    Thank you so much Sophie!
    That’s really reassuring to hear – I definitely have to stop worrying and trust Mr Giannas and the process!!

    Hope your recovery goes well! Xx

    Bee 42

    Hey Maya,

    I’m having an uplift with 300cc round mod+ implants over the muscle next month, and at first, I thought it seems really small. However as I am having a lift, and want a natural look, I was advised to consider the fact that the heavier the implant, the higher the chance of them sagging. That is not to say I wouldn’t like to go bigger – I would love to – but my skin is also elastic, etc. It’s a hard one as you are expected to place your trust in someone else but as well as trusting the surgeon (they have done 1000s of these surgeries) I also suggest going with your gut. Also, looking at other people’s photos, even if they have similar stats, might give you unrealistic expectations etc. I think what you have been recommended sounds suitable for your requirements, and I’m sure they’d look brill. xx

    Maya 4

    Hi Becks, thank you for responding!
    I thing you’re right that other peoples photos might not be the best thing to look at as it’s always different results for everyone! I’m feeling a lot less panicky and like you said have to trust the surgeon knows what they’re doing!!
    Good luck with your op! Xx

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