Massage after BA..has anybody been told to do this? Started by: kristie

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  • kristie

    I am now three weeks post op and everything is feeling fine. However I have beenreading about the benefits of post op massage to ensure minimal risk of Capsular Contraction. Basically massage tecniques help the pocket stay larger than the implant which inturn reduces the risk of CC. The reading i have done also states that this should be reccomended by the surgeon and they must show you the different tecniques.
    Has anyone been advised to massage and if so is this at the advice of your surgoen or not?


    Hi Kristie,
    I haven’t heard that before, but i would be interested in reading about it. Where did you see it? I am still trying to collect all the details before i have it done. I want to make sure i have researched everything before i make my decision.

    Kelly x


    Just a reminder that we have Mr Kazzazi with us tomorrow from 6:30 – 7:30pm hosting our first online Live Chat event!
    Mr Kazzazi is a specialist breast surgeon and is available to answer your questions LIVE tomorrow. Go to to regiter a reminder or just click on the link at 6:30 tomorrow.

    MYA Chat Event Team!

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