massive hole on scar line getting bigger Started by: kathryn

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  • kathryn 1

    I’m four weeks post op after an uplift and now have a hole about 1cm wide on one of my scar line, it seems to be getting bigger and deeper, has anyone else had the same? the steri strips arn’t holding it together very well 🙁 how long have other peoples taken to heal?

    missmaid -1

    Kathryn, you need to go back to the clinic ASAP. That hole is too big. Sure they’ll be able to sort it for you but that won’t get better on its own. Is it your vertical scar or the crease scar? Big hugs x


    I have a hole where the scars meet I had it dressed by the nurse last week and she put some stuff on to pull it together, def ring your nurse cos it’ll need dressing and checking for infection hun x

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