MEDICAL HISTORY Started by: Chanel

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  • Chanel 17

    Hey girls!

    My op is in 3 weeks tomorrow! And I’m just wondering how you know everything has been ok’ed with your medical history? Or don’t you and you just find out on the day? As I see a lot of people seem to turn up on the day and they’ve just cancelled their op due to something on the medical history! This makes me so anxious! I just don’t want it to happen to me! HELP!!!

    I also was wondering if the medical history is more for just making sure you are okay to go under GA?

    Thank you! 🙂

    Stephanie 6

    Hi hun my nurse went through my medical summary with me yesterday at my pre op appointment xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Stephanie 6.
    Nikki 23

    @chanelmaria05 I emailed my PC Cos I forgot to mention on the form you first fill out with the like 25 questions they send you before you meet your PC for the first time she said not to worry as it’s a genuine mistake I forgot to mention some pills I was on before but that was only for my acid reflux she said it’s majnly to do with if you’re not lying about being on anti depressants and anxiety tablets or have previously been on them I’m seeing my nurse for my pre op in August so I’m going to ask her then about how soon they will get my medical history as my GPS are arseholes and wouldn’t give it to me so my PC said mya will try get it for me x

    Nikki 23

    Just saw your op is probably before my meeting for my pre op
    I hope you get it sorted hun xx

    Beth 300cc 14

    Mya will contact your GP and and GP will send everything over to them x my GP contacted me for my permission to give mya my medical records which I said yes it’s fine and that was it.

    You can always call mya and ask them if they’ve received your medical records for piece of mind xx

    Chanel 17

    Is that the one the GP has to send over to Mya when they request it? Apparently they’ve been asking my GP every week for different things, which makes me anxious, like I don’t want to turn up on the day and they cancel my op for something, I’ve had 3 major ops to my knee before so shouldn’t see why there would be anything 🙂 just worry!

    My medical history hadn’t come through at the time so my nurse couldn’t go through that with me at the time 🙁 xx

    Chanel 17

    Yeah I emailed them today and they said they was waiting for GP to send them the history, but when I went to my GP today they said that apparently they’ve sent them the history and they’ve been requesting for other things. Like one time it was for some pills or medication of some sort. This time it was for my asthma history, so I don’t know I thought they just received one big file of the history! 🙂 but I don’t know, Mya hasn’t contacted me with any issues or anything, I just like to know everything is okay with it I guess 🙁 thanks girlies! Xx



    Mya had my GP fax over any medical history of mine & then asked me to get more because I’m bipolar. They asked me for more like a week before the surgery so I started to panick that the cancel or something … They wanted more then my GP saying id had no issues for 10+ years which kinda pissed me off a bit so went to a phycologist & had a full session with her, got her to write me s review & they were fine with that. This was all within 7 days of my operation so I was annoyed & stressed but got it all done so worked out fine.

    Wish they’d asked for extra sooner but still got my surgery on the day so I’m happy now

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