meeting the surgeon Started by: lucii

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  • lucii 8

    Hi girls im new to this site, im booked in to meet my surgeon tomorrow, andrea giannitrapani
    Ive never heard of him before has anyone else had him?

    Sara 23

    Good luck @lucii x

    lucii 8

    Thanks Sara!
    ive been waiting for this day for ages i cannot wait here we come boobies!


    Hi Lucii, I’m meeting him next Tiesday. Not much about him on here but the little bits I’ve heard he’s meant to be really nice. I’ve met other surgeons but the one I was originally going with is taking a year break now. Let me know how you get on, I’m sure it’ll all go well 🙂 x

    Sara 23

    I was a bag of nerves when I went to see mine lol @lucii I’d heard he was a man of few words but everything went fine 🙂 x

    lucii 8

    What were your stats before hand if you dont mind me asking @sara ?
    I dont feel nervous yet but im quite underweight so I hope I can still have it! X

    &oh good luck @karis ! WWhatstats are you now and what are you hoping to acheive? Ye ill let you know how it goes youll have to tell me about yours! Do you know when your planning to have your op x


    Thank you Lucii yeah I’ll let you know how it goes. I’m a tiny 34aa at the min virtually no breast tissue so will be having partials or unders. I’m 5ft 8′ size 10-12 and really want to be a D but would be happy with full C (I literally have nothing lol) I’ve got 17th September prebooked at London Fitzroy as long as Tuesday goes well so everything crossed. Good luck today hope you get all you want to out of it 🙂 x

    lucii 8

    So gutted girls I cant get the time off work so I have to wait until christmas to get mine done I am so gutted! When you get that close and all of a sudden you have to wait until the end of the year!!

    Sara 23

    Awwww no @lucii that’s poop 🙁 how did it go with the surgeon?? X

    lucii 8

    I didnt go in the end @sara I had been given the dates he could do it and I asked and couldnt get the time off so I had to cancel, now I have to wait until christmas until I can have it! Im just hoping I will be able to book it now for december ill be gutted if I cant then closer to the date I cant have that off! Its so hard as ive just started my new job so I cant push it! Oh well I suppose it only a few more months to wait its just going to drag like crazy xx

    Sara 23

    That’s not good hunni but it’s a great Xmas present to yourself 🙂 @lucii xx

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