Hey Girls!
So me and some of the girls have been talking about meeting up! We have all met people on here we would consider friends… (@beckyhax @dreamboobies25 @rinaule @adelexo @cayla83 @mummyox but to name a few) and would love to actually get to meet you all!!
So post your town and if you would like to come/what month is best for you and ill try arrange a meet up for somewhere in the middle of everyone if its possible!
Ill go first …Hahah Manchester – Weekend is best for me – Anytime in July/August! xxx
Would love to meet some of the girls I’ve spoke to on here! What a good idea!
I live in Huddersfield/ York but I drive so can travel a little! July would be fab.
How funny will it look quite a few girls with big boobies all meeting up, will get a few looks from people haha xxx
Ahh exciting! I’m oxford but don’t mind travelling! Xx
Im Blackpool and im up for meeting xxx
I’m afraid this meeting will make me have boob greed
Hahaha im afraid too! But i think its a lovely idea to get everyone together! Newbies – people planning – you dont have to have them done yet!!
As soon as we have a group with towns/cities il find somewhere to meet up! Would everyone prefer a lunch date rather than anight out? Just thinking people with kids and commitments etc – the loonies could go out after i suppose haha xxx
Lunch date for me xxx
Definitely lunch date I think, then maybe some of the girls that have just had them done and not as far in recovery may be able to get out the house for a little. We may have to private message once decided where to go and meet, we may end up with randoms just coming for a look at us all hahaha xxx
Lunch date it is! Keep them coming girls! Newbies, Planning girls, Recovering girls, Post Op girls – everyone is welcome! Ill arrange everything once we know whos coming and then send private messages to everyone! (definitely dont want that @jamieleanne!!) haha xx
this is a really good idea, Im from oxford as well, still cant believe you are @beckyhax and iv never seen you haha, I don’t drive London is the best place for me as I can get a coach and its where im familiar with and Lunch is best as well, I can only do august xx
This sounds like a brill idea, agree with it most probably giving me boobie greed though! Ha I’m in cardiff!! x
im cardiff too!! and can travel I might be travelling from manchester early august for hols
I’m near Birmingham, every other weekend as I do weekends on/weekends off, what a good idea. May not speak to you all loads but think it’d be nice xxxxxx
Is anyone from/ near Hertfordshire?
Colchester, can travel a little way xx
Southport so Preston/liverpool would be good for me xx
That’s cool Kirsty! I haven’t had mine done yet, got my surgeon consultation on the 31st
Dont worry about travelling etc if we need to we can do a South and North meet up, id come to both coz i can drive and want to meet you all! I would be happy to car share etc as im sure other girlies would – eek how exicitng all these replies! and @holliaa dont worry its a wonderful opportunity to talk to poeple who have been through it so its still worth it!
Oooh i hope we get more on board!! xxx
what a fab idea. im birmingham/solihull but willing to drive my op is tomorrow (so hopefully wont have too much boob envy) lol xxx
Ahhh Julie I’m In Blackpool too! I don’t get my boobies until end of July so if there’s any meetings after that I’d be up for it! :)) if I came before having my boobs done it’d just make me more frustrated of wanting them done! Lol xxxxxxx
I’m northeast Hartlepool, closes big town to me in Newcastle were the clinic is xx
Aah scared of being recognised……!!, but would love to me up! Near a couple of you southies but not sure I want to be around all you young and gorgeous girlies! Lol
Dont worry girls if you dont feel up to it or want to but i think its a nice thing for us all to do as we all have it in common! And Chloe you never know you could find out some really useful info for when you have them done! EEk i think its well exciting but im a bit of a geek so yea hahah xx
I haven’t had my BA yet , but would love to meet and have a natter xx I’m in Surrey xx
Thanks for the mention lauren I’m manchester too and can after recovery so anytime after July xx
Sounds fun girls! Im from newcastle august would be better i have my op 25th june xx
awh Id love to but I move to Sydney in June hope all you girls have fun xx
This is such a good idea! I’m in Derby, and July or August are both fine for me! X
This is a great idea! I can do manchester and weekends or anytime really in July and August… I’m a student so will be summer break xx
I’m in Nottingham but can travel. BA isn’t until 16th of June but I’m defo up for it xxx
I’m from Croydon, would live to meet up, you girls have been so hopeful, got my op on 1st June xx
Its so lovely to see so many replies! Thank you ladies for getting involved.. iv put it on twitter too on MYA’s @MYA_Tweet, so keep an eye on that for updates too! Eek this is well exciting! xxx
Good luck trying to organise all of us Lauren!! Hahaha xx
If everything goes well on this lunch date, we will defo have to arrange a night out somewhere! Xx
Got my op tomo buzzing!! I would live to get involved in London/kent…
sound like a fab idea! I’m a hour from manchester i work from home so flexible xxx
This would be amazing, I live in Hertfordshire! Got my BA in 5 days xx
We will make a good picture all together
I hope there’s no weird guy among us trying to make his dream come true :))
Ha ha Anneliza that made me giggle xxx
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