Meeting with Dr Traynor tomorrow! Started by: danielle

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    Meeting with Dr Traynor tomorrow, i’m really worried that i won’t come out the size i want as i was speaking to someone and they said they asked to be a DD/E and ended up measuring that size but not looking it, not sure how to put it to him that i want to look a dd/e.. would it best taking a picture with me of the size i want?

    Rachel -1

    No matter if u take a pic anyway, he will only offer up a maximum of what he thinks. If u say u want to look that size rather than just measure it, he will understand. He’s being doing it many years. Don’t forget just because someone looks a certain size, doesn’t mean that you’ll come out looking like that because everyone’s different. I had mr traynor and very pleased with my results, he’s very straight talking and straight to the point x

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