Men and BAs? Started by: Georgia

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  • Georgia

    Hello again! I’ve been really thinking about having the op done and been speaking about it with my boyfriend. He says he really likes my natural boobs and doesn’t really want me going ahead with it as he thinks mine are great how they are. Yet he wants me to be happy at the same time. Anyone else had this sort of problem? Obviously I’m getting the op for myself and my confidence but I really value his opinion and am worrying whether my boobs are fine and it’s just me comparing myself to others? Thanks in advance for advice xxx

    Amy 265

    My husband said the same Hun he loves me the way I was/am but wants me to be happy.
    I am a year post surgery today. He loves my new boobs and says my extra confidence makes me more attractive not the actual boobs.
    Make yourself happy Hun if he truly loves you he will be happy for you no matter what .


    Can’t tell you how much that means to me! I’m hoping he’ll see how much and how long I’ve wanted it for! Thanks so much gonna have a chat about it today xx


    me and my partner nearly split over it, he hates fake boobs and loved my natural boobs which were quite big anyway. i’m only 2 days ost op and hes worried he wont find these nee things attractive


    My partner was fab he said he’s happy with what I want to do aslong as I’m doing for my self xx

    Rebecca 6

    My partner didn’t want me to do it, tried to talk me out of it several times and on the day of the surgery he was silent almost all day just sat there holding my hand. (He was very supportive of my choice just didn’t agree with it) I’m now 12 days post op and he loves them! Ha! Keeps moaning that I won’t let him touch them – said its like giving a kid a Christmas present and not letting him open it! ?.
    He has been great and really helped me these past couple of weeks..
    You have to do what makes you happy ❤️


    My boyfriend says he doesn’t want me to get mine done, but I’m very embarrassed of them and feel like I really need them doing.
    We have been together for nearly 7 years, have 2 children together and I still go to the bathroom to get changed so he can’t see them. I’ve got no confidence at all around him.
    I have asked him for his honest opinion about what he’d think if I got them done and he won’t say anything which makes it a lot harder for me. I’m not thinking of doing it for him at all, it’s totally for me but I’m the same as you and would like to know his opinion.
    We have a lot of arguments over it and we’ve nearly split up a few times cos I think he’s lying to me and he’d really like it, just doesn’t want to say it in case it upsets me.

    What a rant haha ?
    Feel free to message me if you’d like a chat x


    All you girls have made me feel a lot better, I thought all men love fake boobs so when I first mentioned it to him I was expecting him to be excited but his face dropped instantly! We’ve never got in to a huge argument over it we just talk it through but he’s never been “oh yeah you do what makes you happy!” He’s more of a “I love your boobs how they are” kinda guy which is lovely but I hate them! He’s said a few times that he’s not really in to fake boobs and wonders what our sex life will be if he doesn’t find them attractive… I’m worried that if go through with it and after a few weeks we’d break up because he didn’t find me attractive anymore (I know a few people will say he shouldn’t be attracted to just my boobs but we have a really healthy sex life and are greatly attracted to each other how we are) Just wish I could have them for a day or two to try them out then pop them back out if I didn’t want them ?So I’ve arranged my first consultation and the lady on the phone said I’ll hopefully get to see the consultant and a surgeon on the same day as I’m travelling quite far. I’ve decided to ask my boyfriend if he’d like to come to the consultation with me and he said he’s thinking about it. Did anyone else’s boyfriend come to the consultation with them? Xx

    Lauren 20

    My boyfriend hates fake boobs but when we are in the moment he can’t stop touching them so I am really confused to what he thinks! Haha I had only been with him a month before I got them so I can’t really compare to you!’ He does ask me when I’m getting them done again because they are too big but that’s only because of how much weight I’ve lost xx


    My boyfriend says that too. Says he loves me the way I am but I feel like he’s comparing me to everyone else. He says he doesn’t want me to get them as he wont like them. He says he hates them. It’s really confusing but I think he thinks he’s helping me.
    He says he wouldn’t come with me to the consultation if I was to book so I’d have to go by myself ? X

    Jenn 3

    My boyfriend said much the same “I love you how you are but if it makes you happy go for it” he came to two of the consultations with me and I think that really put his mind at rest. Tbh men like boobs. Big boobs small boobs real boobs or fake they’re generally just happy to touch any kind of boob so go for it make yourself happy!

    Ellie 279

    My bf has been with me over 10 years now and I was like his first gf. . So he’s only kinda bee used to my body. He’s never had an issue with my boobs and always tells me to take my bra off in the bedroom lol but I never ever do. This gets him well upset coz he says they are fine but it’s like an iron board I’m a 32aa so there’s nothing to look at or even grab it’s so embarrassing!! I hide to get changed, won’t to swimming or anything with me but he don’t see the big deal. He doesn’t want me to get the boob Job I think one reason is he thinks I’m guna get more male attention because of it and the other is because he’s worried something is gunna go wrong with them and says il regret doing it but I am getting it done for myself no matter what. I need to do it for me.

    Rebekah 33

    @ellie2015 sounds just like my situation!


    I’m the same too Ellie. We have 2 kids together but it has left me with awful empty boobs! I hate them! I went up to a C/D after I had my babies and he couldn’t keep his hands off them. And now they’re just like deflated balloons. He always tries to touch them but Im genuinely embarrassed by it. It’s had me in tears before.
    He’s mentioned getting attention from other men but I wouldn’t flaunt them around. I want to do this for myself but I can’t see it happening any time soon ? Xx

    lauren 29

    Half of men can’t even recognise fake boobs on celebrity’s when there busy perving on them, id take no notice of wat any man says unless it’s ur dad ?


    Had a very deep chat with my boyfriend last night and he admitted the numerous reasons he didn’t want me to get one done.. 1) the money, we’ve always planned on saving for Australia and if I saved for both it would take twice as long 2) he loves my boobies how they are and 3) he was worried I was only doing it to get more male attention! He went on to say that if I was to get them done he’s not sure he could stay with me as he thought I’d act different and wear more revealing clothes.. I explained to him the only place I’d be wearing more revealing clothes is in the bedroom! With him! We went to sleep agreeing I wouldn’t go ahead with it as I would always choose him over a boob job any day.. However…. He woke up this morning and gave me a cuddle. He said that I should get a boob job if it’s what would make me happy and he’ll support me and be happy with my choice. He said he was just worried about the reasons he gave in the first place but knows now I’m doing it for me and me only! So so happy!! Hope your boyfriends pull through for you girls. Think it takes some serious convincing though… Good luck girls xxx

    Lauren 20

    Aww bet your over the moon! Sometimes I think they don’t realise how much we love them sometimes! they are a lot more self conscience than they let on most of them! X


    Hi Georgia you sent me a mention I couldn’t work out how to reply to it so I thought I’d reply on your post. Yeah I think we have similar problems but my bf is the complete opposite he’s all for it to them point where it’s a bit insulting… like why aren’t you telling me you love me the way I am and I don’t need to do it!! lol. We are never happy! I would really love to have it done for myself… underwear shopping is so depressing…and I want to be able to west nice clothes! It just annoys me that he’s so obsessed with big boobs when I dont have mine yet!! I don’t want him looking at other girls boobs on fb, Instagram etc…

    Anyway I’m glad your bf has come around its so good that he’s supportive hun!!! Xx

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