MFI Started by: MeggyT001

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    Hey girls, I’m new, really wanting a breast enlargement! Saving up slowly!!! Has anyone used My free implants?! And do you have any feedback? Havn’t really looked into it that much, but I’d like to see what you girls have to say about it first?!

    Thanks Megan xxx


    Becky90 used it, and got her goal pretty fast, but she spent hours and hours every night trying. She’s best to speak to xx


    I have been on it ages and got nowhere :/
    I would have my goal by now if I watched some 60year old
    man on webcam :/
    so dont know how to make money on there really 🙁

    Nicole -18

    I had a look on there and the requests I got off horrible men were disgusting! I understand they are giving you money etc so you have to go along with it a bit but no way was I able to do that I came off it within a week! Good luck if you can stomach it x


    Girls its not all bout watching horrible men and doing discusting things. I got my goal fast never had a webcam never did anything dirty. Was just me theres plenty of girls on there that do dirty things n never make it. So its not all about that. I spent hours on Lituraly hours. Sending out msgs doing photosets (underwear) etc I even got a small tattoo just simply because I didn’t do dirty things n thought it was an easy thing for 400. You really do need to just close chat on the dirty ones n find genuine ones cause ther is some. 1 guy donated 300 to me 1 day n didn’t get so much as a pik of my face off me. That site gets its named ruined by the dirty minded people on there. Everyone gets chucked in same category. I’m proof you don’t have to loose your dignity on there. I made friends. Some I still talk to now a year down the line xx

    Nicole -18

    Beckie I wish I’d spoken to you before letting people put me off then! Good on you for standing your ground as I know what some of the girls do on there. Each to their own mind! But I was really put out by some blokes xxx


    U do get put off.. no word of a lie here when I 1st joined I sat in tears lol cause I thought its discusting can’t do this.. but my partner convinced me to stick to it bit longer.. after 2wk or so u realise there’s a few good guys…but plenty of them bad ones. If you make friendships those will be the ones to always help you out. I use to make mini goals say “today I’m going to get 40” and sometimes just b4 midnight is be like ohh not made me goal then id refresh page n my friends had donated just so id made my goal for the day.. thats been done loads of times to me so a lot of the donations to me were based on friendship xxx

    Rachel -1

    iv never heard of this at all!??! what is it? x

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