Mixed emotions Started by: Cheree

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  • Cheree

    Girls anyone else’s boobs take ages to settle? I’m just over 4 weeks post op and I am not that happy with my results, they feel so small and hard still. I had 350cc HP unders from a 32A size 12 I just hope they settle more and project more.

    Anyone else feel like this?

    Becca 167

    They’re definitely going to change so much over the next few months! By 6 weeks, 12 weeks and 1 year there will be so much difference. I will be 5 weeks post op on Monday, mine are also still hard and my left has only just dropped now – a couple of days ago it still had a weird bump at the top making it look really misshapen. Have faith, the drop and fluff will come to you! I know it’s just so hard to be patient when you want it so much, though!


    It’s honestly a waiting game I’m nearly 6 months post op and it’s took till about 4 months for me to love them I went through stages of thinking they’re small, mishapen etc. But I love them now it’s hard waiting but it’s worth the wait! Some people change at different speed I would see girls whose looked amazing at 6 weeks post op whereas mine took a lot longer to drop and fluff. Xx

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