Modified Mastopexy Areola reduction 300cc overs Started by: Jade

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  • Jade


    I am due to have my op in 2 weeks. I have been recommended 300cc high profile over muscle along with an areola reduction. I have mildly tubular breasts so my surgeon will also create a new crease below my usual one. Are there many people who have had this type of surgery? (In particulr the areola reduction) I have seen that a few girls have had the reduction and then their nipples have stretched again post surgery. Obviously as it’s a lot more money to get the areola reduction so you wouldnt want them to restretch. My surgeon said this is unlikely but if it was to happen he would just have to re operate to fix this (not ideal but at least it can be solved). Please can I have any feedback from people who have had this procedure? Thanks 🙂

    Melissa 1

    Hi Jade, ive literally just had the same op on the 15th of Jan so am 3 weeks post op now. Everything exactly the same as you- tubular breasts- breast uplift with nipple uplift and reduction and 300cc overs. My new areolas havent stretched so far so good. I was also expecting the surgery to be alot more painful too- i was out having a meal the same night as i left hospital! If you have any questions feel free to ask me 🙂 xx


    how much extra is an areola reduction ? i have a consultation for an uplift but would probs be interested in this too !! xx

    Jessica 26

    I’ve had exactly the same procedure! I had 375cc, an uplift in both, areola reduction in one but he moved both my nipples. I had a tubular breast before so my surgeon had to create a fold. I had my surgery on 7th jan so I’m 4.5 weeks post op! Here are my before and after ☺️ x

    Jessica 26

    Can’t seem to upload my photos! Will try again x

    Jessica 26


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    Sorry girls just saw these replies. Thank you both Jess and Melissa for replying, you don’t hear from many girls who have had this specific surgery for tubular breasts. Melissa, I’m glad you’re happy with your results! Do you by have a BA instagram by any chance?

    wow your results are fab!! Such a massive difference yet you can tell they will look very natural once they have fully healed!

    I think it is around ££££ more if I remember rightly

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by myamoderator 138.

    Hi girls I need some advice I’m not a mya patient i am 6 days post OP ancor uplift and 400cc implants moderate partiials I’m strapped for 3 weeks but one breast is bigger and lower then the other is this normal? I’m so worried it wont correct itself has this happened to anyone else? Really appreciate a reply thanks girls x

    Ruthiana 11

    you would have swelling etc you cant think this is the final result hun. once surgery is over you need ro wait up ro 6 weeks to really see final shape and look! if too worried go back to your surgeron xx

    Ruthiana 11

    i had a breast lift and inititally wanted just areola reduction they were huge! but surgeon said you may aswell get breast lift cause they reduce areola anyway!!! amd my boobs were saggy anyway. 3 weeks post op and love them so far

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